Ketogenic Diet

? Keto Chow Flavor of the week: Get 10% off the Savory Chicken Soup bulk packs August 17-23


Guess what’s back in stock?! Until August 23, you can get 10% off the 21 meal bulk pack of the Savory Chicken Soup Keto Chow. Normally, the Chicken Soup is $70 for 21 meals, this week it’s discounted down to $63.00 – that’s only $3.00 a meal!  Check out the flavor reviews of Chicken Soup. Now, the main thing to be aware of with the savory flavors of Keto Chow is that they are meant to be consumed HOT/warm; and work quite well with salted butter, bacon fat, and other more exotic fats.

We sometimes get asked: “what can I do with Keto Chow besides make shakes?” The best place to start is our Keto Chow Recipes page, here are some of the recipes that use Savory Chicken Soup Keto Chow:

You should check out the reviews of Keto Chow, we also get a lot of reviews on our Facebook page and on the Keto Chow subreddit. It should be noted that we publish all of the reviews that come in – bad or good – as they are, typos intact. The only ones we remove are spam posts or reviews that divulge personal information. These are just a few of the 250 real reviews we received in the last week

I’m never going to financially recover from this

I love all the flavors. All. Of. Them. I just ordered 4 bulk bags, and that was only half of what was originally in my cart. Now I’m just budgeting my money until I can make my next order. So good! So easy! Thank you!!

Jacci S.
Ordered 6 flavors all excellent

Pistachio and orange cream are the best! Lemon meringue, raspberry cheesecake, eggnog, pumpkin spice caramel all very good also! Super fast shipping and everything they said it would be! Very happy with my order and will continue to order as needed.

Brad P.
Should be a regular flavor.

I am intolerant to dairy, so I use “Almond Milk Cream”. I get the flavor of cream, but not the same fats, so I add avocado oil. I hadn’t ordered any of the other regular flavors in a long time, because to be honest I fell into a rut, with the ones I liked best and just got tired of the same flavors day after day. Keto Chow works, but I needed a new flavor to spark me, to get me out of my rut. You need to make it a regular flavor. Please!

Julie R.
Sample Bundles and Pistachio

I absolutely loved these flavors. It’s so easy to make. I make mine with grass fed butter and MCT oil. I just placed an order last night to try the other flavors, I also ordered Pistachio again because it tastes great! I drink mine for breakfast and I’m good until lunchtime. You now have a recurring customer!

Camille H.
I bought these as dessert replacements

So far I have tried the Lemon Meringue and Cookies and cream. They are entirely too sweet for me to drink the whole shake at once. I mix them with heavy cream and water. I usually will drink a third of one after dinner or whenever I get a sweets craving. The cookies & cream didn’t have much cookie flavor, but was very creamy, sweet & satisfying. I will be trying Orange Cream next, and then Snickerdoodle. I plan to order more of the individual packets, as I like the variety they offer, as opposed to the bulk one flavor bag. I can mix up my “dessert” offerings and tackle my sweet tooth. I’d like to get the Lemon Meringue again and then try a bunch of new flavors!

Leesha R.
Love it!

I keep ordering the bundles of assorted packs of these because I love having different flavors to choose from everyday! They are all so yummy! It’s really handy to take to work or take with me when I travel because I have something Keto to eat wherever I am!! Thank you!!

Jennifer L.
Exactly as expected and so much more

Reading reviews and watching commercials… this is too good to be true right? Wrong! This keto meal replacement is exactly as advertised! Tastes great, smooth, not chalky (like most protein powders I’ve tried) and my favorite part – customizable! I choose the fat source (heavy whipping cream, butter, avocado oil and so on), add in a dash of seasoning (cloves, cinnamon etc) and the flavor possibilities are endless. I am now a customer for life. Looking for something to curb those sweet tooth cravings – look no further, Keto Chow is what you’ve been looking for.

Amazing Flavors

I was new to keto, but I heard a lot of good things about Keto Chow, so I needed to try it for myself. With all of the amazing flavors listed I had to try almost all of them. So far, so good. The flavors are amazing and the instructions are fool proof. They make for an amazing after workout shake, great macros and awesome flavor profiles. Luckily I was able to get a few of the limited edition Pistachio shakes. One of my favorite flavors, that almost no one makes. I was so happy and very pleased with the end results. I highly recommended these to all of my friends and followers that are on keto.

Neman M.
Pleasantly surprised!

Very good product! I don’t like the flavor or consistency of most protein shakes but I was pleasantly surprised by Keto Chow. Even my husband who isn’t Keto, loved them.

Pam M.

One of my favorite desserts as a kid was Jell-O pistachio pudding and this is totally reminiscent of that flavor! I’ve tried it with both butter and heavy cream and while both are tasty, the heavy cream whips up so well that if you don’t add so much water, you actually get a pudding/mousse-like consistency! Yum! I would absolutely LOVE to see this become a regular flavor!

I loved it so much, I had to order more before it runs out!

Noelle S.
So far so great!

I’m halfway through my sample bundle & every flavor I’ve tried is spot on yummy! I mix mine with butter as my fat & the texture is great, it’s not chalky tasting like most shakes I’ve tried & for me that is a HUGE plus. It’s going to be extremely hard to choose a favorite for when I order a large flavor pack. I wish Keto Chow would sell a 30 day package with individual packets so I could have a different one every day! It would keep me from getting burnt out on just one flavor. I guess I COULD order 3 10pack sample bundles for the entire month & have one shake a day…but that would be pretty expensive. I’ve also been using the Keto Chow electrolytes for a couple of months & I love it!

Kristine D.
Awesome products

I have been doing Keto for a few weeks and I was having trouble getting in all my protein and fats. I knew I would like the regular flavors like chocolate strawberry vanilla. But I was amazed at how good the mocha and the snickerdoodle were. It has really helped me some days to boost my protein and fats. I would recommend them to everyone.

Sherry J.
By |2020-08-17T06:28:12-06:00August 17th, 2020|Categories: Keto Chow|Tags: , |0 Comments

Can Keto Make You Tired?

This entry is part 2 of 9 in the series Keto Basics

“I can’t sit still!”

“I’m bursting with energy!”

“I don’t need an alarm to wake up anymore!”

Any of these sound familiar? Poke around keto-oriented social media and you’re bound to come across people claiming their energy is through the roof. That they started working out because they didn’t know what else to do with all that pent-up power. But what if you haven’t felt this magical energy boost? What if keto’s done the opposite for you and you feel sluggish? Can keto make you tired?

The answer to this is a definite no … and yes. Like most things when it comes to the complex and kooky human body, it depends. Fortunately, if you have found yourself dragging more than usual—physically or mentally and emotionally—it’s not keto, per se, that’s the cause, so you don’t have to abandon a diet that might be helping you lose weight1, improve PCOS2, get rid of acid reflux3, prevent migraines4, or massively improve type 2 diabetes5. What’s likely making you feel tired is the way keto affects other things in your diet and health picture.

Let’s take a look at why keto typically gives people more energy, and then address the reasons why you might have less energy than when you were eating more carbs—and most importantly, what to do about them.

Keto Usually Boosts Energy

After an initial dip during the adaptation phase, most people report an increase in energy levels when following a ketogenic diet. It’s not uncommon for formerly sedentary folks to become more active without having to force it—it happens naturally because they’re feeling more energetic. There’s no formal research published on this particular “side-effect” of keto, but it’s widely acknowledged among keto-oriented doctors and other health professionals, not to mention among patients, themselves.

What could be behind this well-noted, if anecdotal, energy boost? A couple of mechanisms potentially explain it. First, when your body’s adapted to running mostly on fat, you’re no longer subject to wild ups and downs in blood sugar—and those lows can leave you feeling sluggish, weak, or lightheaded.6 (It’s important to note, though, that very high blood sugar can also cause fatigue.) When you’re off the blood sugar rollercoaster, you have constant access to premium fuel in the form of fat and ketones. Molecule for molecule, at the cellular level, fats provide more energy than glucose does. (As ATP, the cellular “energy currency,” if you remember that from high school biology class!)

Second, ketones, themselves, may provide a bit of a lift—perhaps even just a perceived one. It has long been believed that “hitting the wall” during a grueling endurance event is a purely physical phenomenon, resulting from processes limited to the working muscles. But some researchers believe this breaking point or “bonking” may have more to do with the brain:

“Whereas prolonged intense exercise when one is dependent upon glucose/glycogen progressively depletes fuel reserves available to sustain the brain, the keto-adapted athlete may benefit from the opposite effect. As endurance exercise progresses, unlike the blood glucose concentration, the blood ketone concentration does not decline but tends to rise somewhat, ensuring a stable supply of fuels to the brain. Consistent with this improved cerebral fuel delivery, ultra-endurance athletes frequently report that mental clarity is maintained better during prolonged exercise in the keto-adapted state. This is in stark contrast to the problems of central fatigue and ‘hitting the wall’ that commonly occur in athletes who follow a high-carbohydrate fuelling strategy and to which a progressive hypoglycemia that develops during prolonged exercise may contribute to fatigue.”8

Okay, that’s great for endurance athletes, but what about we mere mortals, who aren’t regularly running marathons or doing triathlons? Well, apart from anecdotal reports of increased oomph from people following ketogenic diets, a study from 2019 showed that subjects with multiple sclerosis reported improvements in fatigue after three months of adhering to keto.9  So this way of eating appears to be beneficial even among people with severely compromised energy levels.

What If You Are Tired on Keto?

If keto hasn’t bestowed its energy blessing upon you, what gives? What might be getting in the way, and what can you do about it?

  1. Not enough sodium.

Ketogenic diets increase your body’s need for sodium. Skimping on salt is a common culprit behind fatigue, headaches, and just feeling blah on keto. Most people could use a little extra salt on keto, but this goes even more for people who live in hot climates or who work outdoors or sweat a lot, and for athletes. If you’re an athlete whose “get up and go got up and went,” and you feel like you’re dragging during workouts, get more salt.

The remedy: Be generous with your salt shaker. Don’t be afraid to go heavy on salt, especially if your diet doesn’t normally include foods that already salty, like bacon or other cured meats, pork rinds, olives, pickles, etc. If you’re not a fan of salty food, consider making a cup of broth using a bouillon cube and make that a daily habit. Keep in mind that salt is only half sodium (the other half is chloride), so to get more sodium, be liberal with salt. Concerned about salt raising your blood pressure? Don’t be. If your blood pressure is normal, consuming more salt has little to no effect on it. In fact, for some people, diets that are too low in sodium bring their own problems10, and high blood glucose and insulin levels coming from too much sugar are more likely causes of hypertension compared to a high sodium intake.11,12

  1. Check your meds.

Don’t blame keto for what your meds are doing! Many medications come with side-effects of decreased energy, drowsiness, or fatigue. Check any medications you’re taking and see if this is the case. The good news is, ketogenic diets can reduce the need for several different types of medication, so if your health is improving, you may be able to reduce your doses or eventually stop taking these drugs altogether (only under medical supervision, of course).5,13 Be especially vigilant if you’re taking medication for high blood pressure. Ketogenic diets have a powerful effect on improving blood pressure naturally, so if you combine keto with the same dose of medication you were taking on a high-carb diet, you might end up overmedicated—meaning, the medicine is now too strong for you because keto is doing the heavy lifting all by itself. Fatigue and lightheadedness are signs that your blood pressure might be too low, but your biggest tip-off might be feeling faint or woozy when you stand up quickly from having been seated or lying down.

The remedy: Work with your doctor to see if keto is helping you get to a place where you can reduce your dose of medications that are making you tired, or possibly discontinue them altogether. Never adjust meds on your own. And consider the possibility that medications that don’t normally induce fatigue might do so when combined with a ketogenic diet. (Most research on pharmaceutical drugs is done in people eating standard high-carb diets.)

  1. Mind your micronutrients.

Low levels or outright deficiencies in certain nutrients can result in low energy and feeling sluggish physically and mentally. The most likely culprit is anemia from low iron or low B12. An omnivorous keto diet that includes red meat, eggs, or seafood would provide plenty of these nutrients, but it’s not impossible for a meat-eater to be low in these. Consuming certain foods doesn’t automatically mean you’ll effectively digest them and absorb the nutrients they contain. Reproductive-age females who menstruate regularly may be at risk for low iron even if their diets include red meat and other iron-rich foods, and this applies even more to those whose diets are low in these.

The remedy: Work with a doctor to have your iron and B12 levels checked. Both are easy to measure with common blood tests. If they’re low, increase your intake of foods rich in these nutrients, or take a good quality supplement.

  1. You might need more carbs. (Eeek!)

If you work out a lot—especially weightlifting, but this might apply to anything high-intensity—you might need a bit more carbohydrate in your diet. Certainly, not everyone does—professional athletes have been going keto and some are breaking records14—but don’t feel bad if you think your performance might benefit from a hit of starch. Plenty of high-level athletes thrive by eating low-carb or keto most of the time, but including occasional carb refeeds or regularly consuming carbs after a workout. You’re not necessarily doing something wrong if you find you need some starch to reach your highest gear in intense activity. Remember, carbs aren’t the enemy. Way too many carbs, too often, is what makes people sick—not occasional infusions of starch for the specific purpose of supporting high-intensity athletics in an otherwise low-carb diet.

The remedy: Increase your carb intake in a sensible way. It’s probably not the best idea to start off with a giant stack of pancakes doused in maple syrup for breakfast first thing in the morning, but consider adding a sweet potato or a serving of black beans or rice to your evening meal on a day you trained hard. Do that consistently and you’ll know pretty quickly whether that small amount of carbohydrate is helping you perform at your best.

If keto has given you more energy and you feel a new pep in your step, great! That’s exactly what we would expect. But if things have gone in the opposite direction and cutting carbs has made you more tired than before, hopefully, you’ve found some solutions here. If none of the possibilities here seem relevant to you, work with a keto-savvy doctor or nutritionist to dig deeper and find out what might be sapping your energy.


  1. Staverosky T. Ketogenic Weight Loss: The Lowering of Insulin Levels Is the Sleeping Giant in Patient Care. J Med Pract Manage. 2016;32(1):63-66.
  2. Mavropoulos JC, Yancy WS, Hepburn J, Westman EC. The effects of a low-carbohydrate, ketogenic diet on the polycystic ovary syndrome: a pilot study. Nutr Metab (Lond). 2005;2:35. doi:10.1186/1743-7075-2-35.
  3. Pointer SD, Rickstrew J, Slaughter JC, Vaezi MF, Silver HJ. Dietary carbohydrate intake, insulin resistance and gastro-oesophageal reflux disease: a pilot study in European- and African-American obese women. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2016;44(9):976-988. doi:10.1111/apt.13784.
  4. Di Lorenzo C, Coppola G, Sirianni G, et al. Migraine improvement during short lasting ketogenesis: a proof-of-concept study. Eur J Neurol. 2015;22(1):170-177. doi:10.1111/ene.12550.
  5. Westman EC, Tondt J, Maguire E, Yancy WS Jr. Implementing a low-carbohydrate, ketogenic diet to manage type 2 diabetes mellitus. Expert Rev Endocrinol Metab. 2018;13(5):263-272. doi:10.1080/17446651.2018.1523713.
  6. Mayo Clinic. Diabetic Coma. Accessed Aug 13, 2020 from
  7. Noakes TD. Time to move beyond a brainless exercise physiology: the evidence for complex regulation of human exercise performance. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. 2011;36(1):23-35. doi:10.1139/H10-082.
  8. Volek JS, Noakes T, Phinney SD. Rethinking fat as a fuel for endurance exercise. Eur J Sport Sci. 2015;15(1):13-20. doi:10.1080/17461391.2014.959564.
  9. Brenton JN, Banwell B, Bergqvist AGC, et al. Pilot study of a ketogenic diet in relapsing-remitting MS. Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm. 2019;6(4):e565. doi:10.1212/NXI.0000000000000565.
  10. The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. Institute of Medicine, Food and Nutrition Board, Committee on the Consequences of Sodium Reduction in Populations. Studies Support Population-Based Efforts to Lower Excessive Dietary Sodium Intakes, But Raise Questions About Potential Harm From Too Little Salt Intake. Published May 14, 2013. Accessed Aug 13, 2020.
  11. DiNicolantonio JJ, Lucan SC. The wrong white crystals: not salt but sugar as aetiological in hypertension and cardiometabolic disease. Open Heart. 2014;1(1):e000167. doi:10.1136/openhrt-2014-000167.
  12. Quiñones-Galvan A, Ferrannini E. Renal effects of insulin in man. J Nephrol. 1997;10(4):188-191.
  13. Hallberg SJ, McKenzie AL, Williams PT, et al. Effectiveness and Safety of a Novel Care Model for the Management of Type 2 Diabetes at 1 Year: An Open-Label, Non-Randomized, Controlled Study. Diabetes Ther. 2018;9(2):583-612. doi:10.1007/s13300-018-0373-9.
  14. Mestel, S. Zach Bitter Is the 100-mile American Record Holder. He Also Eats Almost No Carbs. Men’s Journal. Accessed Aug 13 2020.
By |2020-09-01T09:34:10-06:00August 14th, 2020|Categories: Keto Basics|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Live Stream recording from August 11, 2020

This entry is part 28 of 37 in the series Live Streams

Every week we do a live broadcast where we answer questions, talk about fun stuff, and more! You can find the stream on YouTube or Facebook.

This week we talked about:

By |2020-08-12T14:39:12-06:00August 12th, 2020|Categories: Keto Chow|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Keto Chow Flavor of the week: Get 10% off the ? Snickerdoodle bulk packs Aug 10-16


Until August 16, you can get 10% off the 21 meal “week” size of the Snickerdoodle. Normally, the Snickerdoodle is $70 for 21 meals, this week it’s discounted down to $63.00 – that’s only $3.00 a meal! Check out the flavor reviews of Snickerdoodle. Snickerdoodle cookies are buttery and covered in cinnamon, as such it’s one of my favorite flavors to mix up with butter as the fat source (instructions here!)

We sometimes get asked: “what can I do with Keto Chow besides make shakes?” The best place to start is our Keto Chow Recipes page, here are some of the recipes that use Snickerdoodle Keto Chow:

You should check out the reviews of Keto Chow, we also get a lot of reviews on our Facebook page and on the Keto Chow subreddit. It should be noted that we publish all of the reviews that come in – bad or good – as they are, typos intact. The only ones we remove are spam posts or reviews that divulge personal information. These are just a few of 163 real reviews we received in the last week


Made for breakfast, lunch or dinner! I use butter, heavy cream and add low glycemic vegetables for a more substantial meal. Easy to use and very tasty, thank you for a great product to help me along on my weight loss journey.

Christine T.

I can’t believe I waited so long to try Keto Chow. The Sample Bundle that includes the blender bottle was my first order and it was amazing. Getting ready to order some more. Thank you Keto Chow!!

Sherry H.
First time buyer but far from last!

I read so many glowing reviews I decided to give it a try. I love it. The consistency is such a great mouth feel and the flavor is off the charts. I’ve been experimenting with different fats and amounts and love how custom I can make it. I recommend keto chow to my brother who also loves keto life and he also loves it! What’s not to love?!

Heather M.
Blew me away

I had such low expectations for this. I couldn’t have been more wrong.

This didn’t taste like something a scientist had cooked up in a lab like I expected, it tasted like a real honest to goodness shake. My biggest challenge now is trying to figure out which flavors to buy next!


when trying to decide on a product to use KETOCHOW IS THE WAY TO GO! not one bad flavor yet that i haven’t tried…better get the pistachio while they have it – its OMG good! Oh and the lemon meringue! when my mom asked what I wanted for my birthday- i said KETOCHOW! AND I GOT IT! :)

Janice R.
My favorite meal replacement shakes by far!!!!

Very fast delivery and the shakes are Heaven!!!!

Carol S.
No aftertaste

These are so good: no sweetener aftertaste, no graininess, mixes really well and quickly (gosh I hate it when things clump up, and these guys totally don’t), great texture (really important to me, because I have texture sensory issues with foods) and of course an amazing taste. My favorite flavors are chocolate and salted caramel. Also, these do keep me full and overall staving off cravings (because of all the fats?).

Jewels B.

Keto Chow is for anyone from a beginner in Keto to someone that has done Keto for years. Every Flavor I have tried so far, I have liked. These Keto meals are so rich and filling you can drink it 3 times a day and not feel deprived. You can make them up days ahead of time or use them in different recipes I cannot wait to try. Try it, you will not be disappointed!!

Ketolicious !!

Love these shakes! They are incredibly low carb and quite ?. My favorite so far is the orange cream. It taste like an ? dream?. I have many more to try and can’t wait. I am also looking forward to trying the soup going to make the tomato ? soup and grilled cheese this weekend! All about the taste and comfort! ??

Amber S.
Easy way to Keto

I can have two of these a day with 1/3 cup heavy whipping cream and a regular dinner and stay on track easily. Love the Salted Caramel mixed with 1/3 c. HWC and coffee. Great way to start the day. I usually have chocolate or chocolate peanut butter for lunch. I’ve ended up losing 15 lbs in my first two weeks of the Keto diet and ai think keto chow really helps.

Stephanie M.
Wow! Amazing customer service

I was absolutely stunned upon receiving my order. I was surprised that the team (Heather) took the time to read the notes / my special requests and did what they could to accommodate. I really appreciated it. I’ve tried a few flavors now and they’ve all been not bad. I did not particularly like the natural strawberry flavor. I’ve tried mocha and chocolate so far and both are yummy. I like chocolate better actually. Additionally, I had to stop drinking keto chow after 4 drinks because it caused me to bloat. I do plan on resuming slowly as my bloating goes down.

Lynda T.
Delicious shakes!!

This sample bundle was great for tasting the different flavors, but be careful, next thing you know everyone in your family (including the kids) will be stealing your shakes. Two weeks in, and I am cleaning out cupboard space to store ridiculous quantities of keto chow.

Megan F.
By |2020-08-10T06:09:07-06:00August 10th, 2020|Categories: Keto Chow|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Keto Chow’s NEW Stainless Steel Vacuum Insulated Flasks

both sizes Stainless Steel Vacuum Insulated FlaskIn case you missed it, we have been advocating vacuum insulated flasks for years and now they’re available with a super cool Keto Chow logo laser etched on one side.


You need to either pre-refrigerate your Keto Chow for several hours or add in some ice cubes – in our experience, the insulated flasks will keep Keto Chow cold for at least 18 hours but the liquid needs to already be cold!  The double-wall vacuum insulation keeps hot drinks hot up to 12 hours and iced drinks cold up to 24 hours. The stainless steel won’t transfer flavors or odors to your next drink. This means your favorite beverage is always pure and refreshing.


Each Keto Chow Stainless Steel Vacuum Insulated Flask comes with a BPA-free plastic Flip Lid with a handle (ideal for hot liquids) and a stainless steel twist-on lid. The flip-top lid should keep your gear nice and clean but please do make sure that you close the lid before you put it in your backpack.


Made from stainless steel with double-walled and vacuum-sealed insulation, this durable wide-mouth bottle keeps your drink at its optimum temperature for hours. And, its exterior never sweats. So say goodbye to coasters and slippery bottles!The 22oz is 2.9 inches wide at the base; 9.4 inches tall; weighs 11oz; keeps drinks cold for 24 hours and hot for 12 hours; and fits most cupholders.

The Keto Chow Stainless Steel Vacuum Insulated Flask is hand wash only. Manufactured by Simple Modern.


22oz Stainless Steel Vacuum Insulated FlaskORDER 22 OZ FLASK HERE

32oz Stainless Steel Vacuum Insulated FlaskORDER 32 OZ FLASK HERE



Live Stream recording from August 4, 2020 – Special guest: Dr. Terri Lance

This entry is part 27 of 37 in the series Live Streams

Every week we do a live broadcast where we answer questions, talk about fun stuff, and more! You can find the stream on YouTube or Facebook. This week we had a special guest: Dr. Terri Lance from The Fasting Method. We talked about some of the psychology of why you might be having problems reaching your goals, some of the ways to get past those, and how The Fasting Method (the online coaching program Terri works for) can help with group and individual counseling.

By |2020-08-05T06:34:38-06:00August 5th, 2020|Categories: Keto Chow|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

? Keto Chow Flavor of the week: Get 10% off the Root Beer Float bulk packs Aug 3-9


Until August 9, you can get 10% off the 21 meal “week” size of the Rootbeer Float Keto Chow. Normally, the Rootbeer Float is $70 for 21 meals, this week it’s discounted down to $63.00 – that’s only $3.00 a meal!  Check out the flavor reviews of Rootbeer Float.

We sometimes get asked: “what can I do with Keto Chow besides make shakes?” The best place to start is our Keto Chow Recipes page, here are some of the recipes that use Rootbeer Float Keto Chow:

You should check out the reviews of Keto Chow, we also get a lot of reviews on our Facebook page and on the Keto Chow subreddit. It should be noted that we publish all of the reviews that come in – bad or good – as they are, typos intact. The only ones we remove are spam posts or reviews that divulge personal information. These are just a few of the over 150 real reviews we received in the last week

Super Yummy

I have tried other shakes in the past while trying to get healthier and loss the weight. Well they all tasted horrid and make me feel funny… Keto Chow is so yummy!!! I have gotten into the habit of making them before I go to bed so they are perfect for breakfast in the morning. With my busy farm life getting out to the Animals and get the kids started right in the morning does not give me lots of time to eat a good breakfast. Can not say enough good about Keto Chow!!!!

Jessica Y.
Love this product!

Grateful to have found Keto Chow! These last 15lbs have been a bitch to lose but Keto Chow is helping all the way! Delicious, nutritious, filling and best of all – EASY! I use this as a meal replacement for lunch (breakfast is an Atkins bar and black coffee), and then have a lean protein and low glycemic vegetable (s) for dinner. I have gone from 217lbs to 198lbs in 5 weeks. Thanks for the help!!

Christine T.
So good!

These shakes are very filling and taste great! They really don’t have an aftertaste. They are so satisfying too! My favorites so far are Snickerdoodle, Egg Nog, and Chocolate Mint. If I have a shake for breakfast I have no cravings and no hunger until lunch. This amazed me because I am always hungry usually. So glad I tried these!

Dianna H.
Phenomenal product!!

Living the Keto lifestyle just got 100% easier!
Not that I’m going to use this exclusively for all meals but this is so good to have on hand for those times when pulling off a proper Keto meal would be difficult at best or. . . Those Gremlins would be whispering in your ear to make a poorer choice!
Keto Chow to the rescue! Flavors to suit any palate.
Cheers to your health!

Audine T.
Very surprised

I’ve been on Keto Chow for about a week now. It make things easier for me to know what to eat. I tried it with coconut oil and then heavy cream. I find the heavy cream works best. I mix it with the keto Chow first then blend in the water. If not it’s chunky and hard to go down. But doing it by mixing first then water makes it a smoothie. I can’t wait to see more results! I lost 5lbs so far!

Ruth H.
Cookies and DREAM

Once again, Ketochow delivers on flavor, nutrition, and satiety. I’m glad I can get the nutrients otherwise ignored in other shakes and feel confident that I won’t feel terrible while pursuing Keto. It’s a bit expensive, but when considering ketochow’s ability to replace the cost of meals over time, it’s very reasonable. Very pleased with flavor and value. Thanks!

David M.
Orange Cream is a dream!

I made my first serving with HWC and it was delightful. Nice flavor and very filling. I am switching to butter starting tomorrow. I expect the orange cream to remain on my favorite list.

Pam S.
Thank you

I love it. It shipped quickly, and it was packaged nicely. I tried the Peanut butter Chocolate and I love the flavor. Your facebook support group is also amazing. I have lost some visible inches and 8lbs since starting 6 days ago. Thank you for creating this product. I am currently doing a 100 day challenge, so hopefully I will be able to check in afterwards

Kriantae P.
Orange Cream

I use heavy whipping cream and put in the fridge overnight. It tastes good and is smooth, but I can’t use as a meal replacement. I sip on it with my lunch and dinner, because I still get hungry if used alone.

Lori D.
Best meal replacement shake I have ever had.

I am not a big reviewer but when a product exceeds expectations on the positive side I want to give props when props are due.
When I decided to order the samples I had my doubts that Keto Chow would be “as advertised” and that it would be another ordinary shake like Slimfast Keto mix. Not a “bad taste” and tolerable. Most companies shout from the rooftops how their replacement shakes are the best tasting ever. I have tried several and some have been good and others…well, I think you already know. Nevertheless, I was excited to give Keto Chow a shot. I followed the directions and tried different forms of “fat” in the shake. Butter was a good one. Avocado oil changed the flavor too much so I personally don’t recommend that. To me, the heavy cream is the way to go.
I would prepare my next day’s shake the night before and leave it in the fridge overnight. The flavor is fantastic! I drink my shake for lunch and I was extremely surprised at how much it sustained my appetite until my evening dinner. I am not sure which flavor I would recommend over the other. I also bought some individual sample packets to add some more flavor options during this 14 day trial run. Chocolate Mint was spot on (heavy cream) and Salted Caramel (with butter) was really good too. Raspberry Cheesecake (heavy cream) was a solid flavor…the list goes on. Some reviews show that people add more flavor to their shakes. Individual preferences I guess. Personally, I think it’s good enough.
I will be purchasing more Keto Chow. It’s definitely worth it.

Kirk P.
Easy and delicious

Being new to Keto I knew I would need to have something for quick meals in the morning while running around my three young kids and working. Keto Chow has been my saving grace when I otherwise would have eaten something terrible just for the convenience of it. I’m hooked, they have a happy repeat customer.

I’d marry this flavor if it was a person

Seriously, this lemon flavor is close to if not the best Keto Chow flavor yet. Since it is a limited time flavor I bought almost 100 samples. It would just make my day if it became permanent!

Christine J.
By |2020-08-03T08:59:51-06:00August 3rd, 2020|Categories: Keto Chow|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Live Stream recording from July 28, 2020

This entry is part 26 of 37 in the series Live Streams

Every week we do a live broadcast where we answer questions, talk about fun stuff, and more! Starting in January 2020, we switched to a new platform where we can broadcast to YouTube and Facebook at the same time. It’s pretty cool, actually. You can find the stream on YouTube or Facebook.

This week we talked about:

  • Mocha is 10% off this week until Monday
  • We have a new flavor we just launched yesterday: Pistachio!
  • We do still have some Lemon Meringue packets left, but it is “leaping off the shelves” so if you want some, grab them quick.
  • We have decided to cancel Keto Salt Lake, we are truly sad about this. We have put a lot of love and hard work into this conference. If you have purchased a ticket, we sent out an email today with refund information. Thank you so much for your support and understanding about our conference.
  • Can you do Keto Chow, or keto in general, without a gallbladder?
  • Has anyone noticed a change in bowel movements with different fats added to keto chow?
  • How much of the OOO flavorings do you put into your keto chow.
  • There was a discussion on the Keto Chow Facebook support group about an alternative for heavy cream. The ingredients were filtered water, coconut oil, sunflower oil, faba bean protein, guar gum, sunflower lecithin, natural flavor. Are these good ingredients?
  • How long will a mixed-up Keto Chow last in the fridge?
By |2020-07-30T11:27:26-06:00July 30th, 2020|Categories: Keto Chow|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

New Limited-Edition Keto Chow flavor: Pistachio!

Following on the amazing Lemon Meringue, we are pleased to introduce another new limited-edition flavor: Pistachio. It passed quality testing and is ready NOW for purchase. What’s the Pistachio like? If you’ve ever had the green pistachio flavored pudding or pistachio ice cream (that IS NOT Wasabi), that’s what you’re in for! If you mix it with heavy cream, you’ll get the more muted flavor with a lot of creaminess. If you opt to mix it with melted butter and warm water, the pistachio flavor comes through much stronger.


WOW! I just tried the pistachio flavor Keto Chow! They knocked this flavor out of the park! Just when I thought Keto Chow could not outdo the other flavors! This one is just the perfect amount of flavor! I have mixed mine up with 2 different fat sources, one with heavy whipping cream and one with butter. Both tasted great though the one with butter really made the flavor pop! I’m also obsessed with the color of it. Well done Keto Chow!!!

Cristy Davis, The Keto Village

Pistachio!!!!! Wow Wow! Keto Chow really outdid themselves with this one. Same smooth yummy goodness with just the right touch of pistachio. This is going to be “an always keep on hand” flavor.

Emile Davis, The Keto Village

“it’s better than chocolate toffee!” (which is Rachel’s favorite)

Rachel Stauffer - 2KrazyKetos

What does Keto Chow Pistachio taste like? One word – refreshing! This is going to be my flavour of choice for the summer and fall! I loved pistachio ice cream growing up and cannot wait to make it with this flavour!

My new flavour of choice! This would be a difficult flavour to get right – and the Keto Chow team did just that! You can taste the nutty pistachio flavour – it’s so refreshing! I cannot wait to make pistachio ice cream this summer!

Neha CharnaliaNeha Charnalia, SwitchGrocery
I love the Pistachio flavor, it’s delicious, with just the right amount of sweetness. It tastes like the pistachio pudding mix I used to love as a kid, in the best way possible.
It’s definitely one of my favorite flavors!
Taffiny Elrod - Chef

First things first: Pistachio is a LIMITED EDITION flavor. It is ONLY available in the individual sample size packet, and it’s a limited quantity. We will NOT be adding the Pistachio to the sample bundles and it cannot be purchased in the bulk bags. When we run out of the limited edition, that’s the end of it.

Each packet of Pistachio Keto Chow has a unique serial number on the back, just like we did with the Lemon Meringue. Why? Mostly because the company that does our packaging has the capability to do it, we thought it was cool, so we did it. “Collect them all” I suppose =) The first delivery we received is a bit random in the numbering so you may get numbers from the end of the run instead of the beginning. We’ll have that sorted out with people getting the low numbers soon (in case that matters to you).

Pistachio is also the second flavor to switch over to version 2.5.2 which brings with it the change to Real Salt. Real Salt tastes better than the regular salt we have been using in the past but costs a little more for us to use, we’re not charging any extra, you’re welcome! Real Salt is a tiny bit gritty, if you’ve used it in cooking you’ll notice that the added minerals mean you will occasionally get some stuff that doesn’t fully dissolve. This is normal but it should sink harmlessly to the bottom and you likely won’t even notice it.

By |2020-07-27T10:45:11-06:00July 27th, 2020|Categories: Keto Chow|Tags: , , |1 Comment

☕? Keto Chow Flavor of the week: Get 10% off the Mocha 21 meal packs July 27-Aug 2


Until August 2, you can get 10% off the 21 meal “week” size of the Mocha Keto Chow. Normally, the Mocha is $70 for 21 meals, this week it’s discounted down to $63.00 – that’s only $3.00 a meal!  Check out the flavor reviews of Mocha.

We sometimes get asked: “what can I do with Keto Chow besides make shakes?” The best place to start is our Keto Chow Recipes page, here are some of the recipes that use Mocha Keto Chow:

You should check out the reviews of Keto Chow, we also get a lot of reviews on our Facebook page and on the Keto Chow subreddit. It should be noted that we publish all of the reviews that come in – bad or good – as they are, typos intact. The only ones we remove are spam posts or reviews that divulge personal information. These are just a few of the over 161 real reviews we received in the last week

Best Tasting Keto Shake

Keto Chow tastes great. Not like the other brands that taste like pure chemicals…yuk! I always purchase the chocolate flavor and use strong coffee instead of water to make my shake. I also ordered a few sample packets…how could you not love a company that provides the ability to “try” their product first by sample package without having to buy the whole big bag!!!….and I loved the chocolate mint! The lemon merengue tastes just like lemon merengue pie! I love Keto Chow!

Pamela B.
Surprisingly delicious!

I admit I was sceptical about the taste and texture of Keto Chow, considering I had tried so many other brands of meal replacement or protein shakes…but these are amazing! It’s like drinking melted ice cream…really rich, creamy and not artificial tasting at all.

Coral W.
So good

absolutely loved all the flavors in the variety except the vanilla. Have multiple flavors in my cart while I try decide which to try first. 100% recommend and 100% will buy again!?

Kassandra D.
Very Yummy

I mixed all my samples with heavy whipping cream, with the mocha flavor I did half coffee and half water along with the heavy cream. Let me say, every flavor was wonderful! All smooth, it was like having a milkshake each day for lunch. I was full for approximately 3 hours after drinking my shake. My favorite flavor was chocolate, it was similar to hot cocoa mix in flavor. I did not notice any aftertaste or protein like flavor with any shakes. I’m not a huge fan of cinnamon but the snickerdoodle flavor was wonderful. Vanilla was my least favorite, but very versatile for different fats or added flavors like coffee or coffee syrups. I’ve already ordered more!! Worth the money!!

Lindsay Y.
LOVE THESE & Keto Chow

I am learning what flavors I like the best. I did originally buy a full sample package, but now I see one flavor and think I’d like to try it again. My favorite is Chocolate, but then I just fell in love with Chocolate MINT, so much so that I actually signed up for subscriptions for BOTH flavors. This is the BEST chocolate shake & Chocolate MINT tastes JUST like the ice cream flavor. I plan on freezing some of it so I can enjoy it as a treat. I also bought a few extra blender bottles & took a few of these samples and gave it to one of my friends to try since she is always asking what it is I am doing to loose weight. I am down a few pounds & it shows!! And I plan on sticking with it. I also recently purchased the fasting drop sampler & am so excited!! I can do extended fasting without keto issues. I’m hoping to join in on the next extended fast and not get keto flu or any crazy headaches. So far, my clothes are looser and when I don’t have my mask on, people ask me why my face looks thinner! This is the EASIEST to follow & prepare and I hope to see more weight disappear. I would definitely drink this even on a regular basis (maintenance) now that I am back into Keto full swing! I lost 40lbs before, no telling how much I can now that Keto Chow has made it so much EASIER to do!! Don’t hesitate, try a sample & have a few on hand to pass out to friends. I also have a few sample packs I am going to pack for vacation. I might splurge a little while away but want to have a few shakes on hand to stay on track without packing the entire package. (I WOULD LOVE a custom container to hold the entire bag, some sort of plastic bin with a snap lid for each full size flavor I have. I have containers, but they are all different sizes, something labeled Keto Chow would be really cute, I’d buy a few!)
Thanks KETO CHOW!!! I am a Fan for LIFE!!!

D. S.
Great taste, smooth and creamy!

This is the easiest and best way to keep my husband and I on keto in these HOT Texas months! I mix up our shakes every afternoon for the next day. I put mine in the freezer for an hour before I have it. It’s the best cold lunch or dinner you could wish for! Thank you for making these Keto Chow, you make my life much easier!

Janette B.
Keto Chow – Strawberry

YUMMY. I am still having a few ‘clumps’ in the bottom of my bottle, but regardless – it is tasty and keeps me satisfied for quite a while. I found that if I take it out of the frig (after being there overnight) and run it in the blender with a cube or two of ice, it is like having ice cream! Thanks for a healthy and tasty meal replacement.

Pamela S.
Love Keto Chow

I have tried more meal replacement shakes than I can share in this review. With that being said, I can honestly say that Keto Chow is the BEST I have ever tasted. Absolutely no strange after taste. The wide variety of flavors means that you’ll never get bored. I love the sample packs. They give you a chance to try a flavor before you commit to the larger size of 21 servings. I will definitely continue to purchase this wonderful product. It definitely makes it a lot easier to maintain the Keto Lifestyle.

Linda R.
Trying Keto Chow for First time

I decided to give Keto chow a try after seeing a youtuber I follow rave about the flavor and how creamy it was. I’m not a fan of the protein flavor of most shakes
This was amazing, creamy and great flavor. I will definitely be buying some bigger bags to have on hand. Now just need to decided which ones…lol

Really great intro to Keto Chow!

Super fast shipping, loved the blender bottle, and all the flavors were really tasty! I honestly didn’t expect to like *all* of them (there’s always a dud, right?), but each one was really good. Now to decide what I’ll get more of!

Jenn T.
Very Pleased

This is the first time I’ve ordered a 21 day product. In the past I had just been ordering the sample packs. My orders have always been shipped quickly and correctly. The product is wonderful and of high quality. It has made my maintaining a low carb lifestyle so much easier. Thank you Ketochow!

Francine S.
Snickerdoodle sample

I have loved every flavor of Keto Chow so far. I was unsure about ordering the snickerdoodle sample flavor. But, it is so good. I mixed with avocado oil and it was delish. Will order the large bag soon.

Cheri M.
By |2020-07-27T06:40:07-06:00July 27th, 2020|Categories: Keto Chow|Tags: , |0 Comments