How quickly does stuff ship?

Our team works hard to get your order shipped as quickly as possible! That is often within 48 hours of when you order, but it may be longer depending on a variety of factors such as staff capacity. A large portion of our packages ship using US Priority Mail which generally takes 2-4 days for most of the United States once it leaves our warehouse. Check out this map for more specific estimates—including transit times for UPS Ground. Please note: we don’t ship on weekends or major holidays. Here are the holidays we are closed.

What about Chow Club? When do those orders ship?

For all Chow Club orders, there is a cutoff on the 15th of each month at 11:59 PM Eastern. This allows us to prepare and ship the boxes in time to arrive on or near the 1st of the month. This means that if you place a Chow Club order on May 15 at 11:58 PM Eastern, you’ll get the June box; if you order on May 16 at 12:01 AM, you will receive your first box in July.

What does the fulfillment process look like?

Once you place an order, you will receive a confirmation email letting you know we have received your order. You will receive a second email letting you know when your order has shipped. If you do not receive either of these emails, please contact us to ensure that your order was placed and processed.

What’s your team like?

Check out the “About Us” page!

What happens if you mess up an order? (Shipping the wrong product, etc.)

Whoops, sorry about that! Contact us and we’ll get it sorted out. You can reply to your order confirmation email, send an email to, or call us at 385-645-5386. 

How can I cancel a subscription?

Sorry to see you go! Whatever the reason, you can cancel your subscription when logged into your Keto Chow account. You also have the option to skip your subscription. If you would like to cancel a current shipment of your subscription (or if you have any questions or concerns), please email us at and we will be happy to help you. Please note we are not able to cancel a subscription order once it has already shipped.