This entry is part 14 of 131 in the series Ketogenic Diet

warning: TMI

Last time I started ketosis (back in October) I bucked the normal trend of getting constipated when starting and went the opposite way. Well, It’s happening again, lucky me. I’m not sure if it has to do with gut fauna dying off (not likely since I only are carbs for 6 days) or my body going “oh wow, that’s a LOT of fiber…. um not sure what to do here, let’s try this!” If past experience is any indicator I’ll be back to normal by Monday morning.

Now as a reminder: the plural of “anecdote” is not “data”. My experience should be in no way construed as the norm for starting keto. But hey, it’s what’s happening to me.

I’m nearly back to my weight before I started my carb binge, that’s good.

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