This entry is part 125 of 131 in the series Ketogenic Diet

We just received the new packaging for the Base Powder with the new logo and the 2.5 version number. What’s changed? The package, that’s it.

Let’s talk about what the Base Powder is:

  • The Base Powder is all of the “esoteric” ingredients in Keto Chow, everything except for protein, flavor, and sweetener. Often these ingredients can be difficult or impossible to locate, especially outside the United States.
  • You take 14g of the Base Powder and add your choice of protein to make Keto Chow.

Ok, so why would you use the Base Powder instead of getting the full mix?

  • The #1 ingredient in Keto Chow is the protein powder. It takes up more volume and weighs more than any other ingredient. Eliminate the protein and suddenly you can fit 5x as many “weeks” in the same shipping package. For international shipping, this is a huge deal. You’d find some protein locally and not have to pay shipping for that.
  • If you don’t like one of the components of the sweetener, protein, or flavor in the full mix; the Base Powder allows you to use whichever protein powder with whatever sweetener you like. Want unflavored protein? Less sweetener? No Sweetener? Just Stevia? Something besides whey protein? The Base Powder is a likely solution for you.
  • Going back to the previous point, we get a lot of varied requests for customized Keto Chow – almost all of them can be covered with the Base Powder. It’s super flexible and allows us to keep the product line simple(er).

Now, the Base Powder isn’t for everyone – if you use it you should be prepared to do a fair amount of math to determine how much protein powder you should use since most protein powders vary on their nutrient profiles. If in doubt, use Cron-o-meter. The Base Powder is in the Cron-o-meter database already, then you’d just add your protein powder to a “recipe” (along with how much fat you’re using) and you’re good to go. The regular full mix is easier to use, especially for new users, but if you have the desire to customize a bit, you can check out the Base Powder

A note about the version number in the Base Powder: The Base Powder for 1.9, 2.0, 2.1, and now 2.5 are nearly identical. We’re even using the same UPC barcode! So, if you have some older Base Powder, don’t get worked up that you don’t have the “latest” version. Now the question arises: why did we keep 2.5 Base Powder nearly identical? With 1.9 we used off-the-shelf protein powder that usually comes with additional thickening agents, flavor, and other ingredients. With 2.0+, we’re using our own flavorings, protein, and sweetener so we needed some additional “stuff” (potassium and xanthan gum to be specific). For people using the Base Powder with their own protein powder, the experience is going to be identical to 1.9 so we kept the formulation the same. If we used the real base powder from 2.5, it would mix up too thick with most protein powders.

You can buy 2.5 Base Powder here.

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