
Sometimes it’s just easiest to fast!

This entry is part 75 of 131 in the series Ketogenic Diet

It’s February… again. That must mean it’s time for the #rootstech conference. Like last year, the last several days we’ve been setting up computers and the rest of the week (through Saturday) we’re running computer labs. Every year I’m always faced with the decision of what to do for food since there’s not any food at the conference that’s not carbs, carbs, carbs, with a little protein and fat. I can either bring Keto Chow in HydroFlasks, or I can just not worry about eating and Intermittent Fast instead – eating all my food when I get home. Today I’m opting for the fasting approach because sometimes it’s easier to not eat anything. I’ll be drinking water throughout the day and I have a bunch of Keto Chow at home for when I get done… at whatever time that is. I might drink 3 shakes or I might drink one and then melt a bunch of cheese and eat it with a fork.

By |2017-02-08T09:22:04-07:00February 8th, 2017|Categories: Ketogenic Diet, Keto Chow, On Tour|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

3 years of powdered food – from People Chow to Keto Chow

This entry is part 34 of 35 in the series DIY Future Foods

On January 13, 2014 I did the first post on my blog about trying nutritionally complete “future foods”. It corresponds to my first submission on Reddit (my reddit “cake day” is January 9, 2014 BTW).  The Image up top is of my very first batch of powdered food, People Chow 2.3.0 at the time (I still have all 3 of those blender bottles, used the yellow one yesterday). It’s been an interesting journey. You can read some of my earlier “in review” posts if you want the full story:

3 years ago I weighed 260lbs (I’m 5′ 13″), my low point was at 200 in October 2015. I slacked off and did “lazy keto” without tracking my intake, just sticking to low-carb foods, and you can see that on my graph:


Recently I re-committed to getting back on track for realsies. It’s a bit pathetic: I know exactly what I need to do to lose weight – it’s rather simple so I should just do it, which I am. Since January 1, 2017, I haven’t eaten anything until after I logged it in Cron-O-Meter. Unsurprisingly, it’s working quite well. Guess I should have read my own stuff =) I was at a post-new year’s high of 223.7 and now I’m at 215 after a week and a half.

You can expect to see my weight graph more frequently now as it goes down further (and I’m less ashamed of the trend =). So there you have it: 3 years of blogging about “Engineered Staple Food” aka “soylent” – this post is number 371.

Keto Chow branded Blender Bottles now available in 10 colors

This entry is part 70 of 131 in the series Ketogenic Diet

I’m happy (my wife is even happier!) to announce that we now have 10 colors of Keto Chow branded 28 oz. Blender Bottles (actual, genuine, Blender Bottles – not cheap knock offs) in stock and available. This comes after about 2 weeks of delays due to holidays and snowstorms. They all look pretty awesome with the Keto Chow logo. We’ve had black ones with the logo for a while but reserved those for the “Sample all the things” flavor sampler, now anyone can get them in a wide variety of colors:

We still have around 20 of the regular Pink Blender Bottles without the Keto Chow logo. We don’t have to observe the “minimum advertised price” rules with the ones that have our logo on them, but the plain ones can’t be advertised for any less than $7.79 – but if you order some and add coupon code PINKBB you might see that price drop $2.

By |2019-05-23T08:21:33-06:00January 5th, 2017|Categories: Preparation, Keto Chow, On Tour|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Keto, gamers, cheat codes, Keto Chow.

Used to be GamerGamers are a perfect fit for keto, and in particular: Keto Chow. They’re often playing for hours on end, eating junk, no time for cooking and need to get healthy. Well, keto is (in my view) the cheat code for losing weight. You’re cutting out sugar from your diet and completely switching around what your body uses for fuel (“burn fat, not sugar!”). If you’re familiar with Soylent, well Keto Chow is like that but specifically designed for losing weight via “nutritional ketosis”.

I consider myself a gamer… or at least I used to be back when I had more time and less kids. I still think Unreal Tournament 2004 is my favorite of all time, though Overwatch is pretty awesome. Keto has worked wonders for me (and others), brought me back from the brink of metabolic syndrome and eventual T2 diabetes. Rosa Labs (makers of Soylent) have been targeting gamers lately, I think Keto Chow is a better product, tastes better, and will lead to lasting health (and weight loss) that is hugely beneficial for anyone needing a change.

So here’s my invitation to gamers: head over to and check it out (start with the sidebar =) and if you decide you want to give keto a shot, grab some Keto Chow; it removes a lot of the guess-work that makes doing keto challenging – especially in the beginning. You’re getting all the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients you need: quick and easy.

By |2016-11-09T07:47:24-07:00November 9th, 2016|Categories: Ketogenic Diet, Keto Chow|Tags: , , |0 Comments

“Sample all the Things!” now comes in a Keto Chow branded Blender Bottle

Update: we ran out of the black blender bottles and had to take them out of the bundle, we lowered the price $7 so for the same price you can order a blender bottle on the side.

We finally got the shipment of Keto Chow blender bottles – so all of the “Sample all the Things!” will be coming in the cool Keto Chow branded Blender Bottle. We won’t have enough of them to sell apart from the bundle until the beginning of January, unfortunately. So if you really, really want a Blender Bottle that has the logo on it, you can (a) wait until January (b) Get a Sample all the Things, steal the cool bottle for yourself and give one of your old ones with the samples in it to a friend for Christmas =)


By |2017-05-15T20:09:48-06:00November 7th, 2016|Categories: Keto Chow|Tags: , , |1 Comment

Keto at a Conference, round 2

This entry is part 62 of 131 in the series Ketogenic Diet

A year ago I detailed how I used HydroFlask insulated containers to keep my Keto Chow nice and cold while I was attending classes at the DreamForce Conference in San Francisco. I did it again a few months ago when I used a similar tactic on a trip to DisneyLand. Well, last week was DreamForce again – but this time, I had a new trick in my arsenal: Keto Chow muffins. I used the “brownie” recipe since it makes nice, substantial, muffins that stood up quite well to being in a backpack for a few days. I cooked 12 meals worth a day before I left and froze them so they would last longer out of the fridge. When we reached the AirBNB (that was half way to San Jose, it was nuts) I put my bags of muffins in the fridge along with the Trader Joe’s shelf-stable whipping cream.

For liquid Keto Chow, I brought along 4 days worth of Cookies & Cream in day packs – made for easy transport and since I was mixing up 3 blender bottles at a time, I used a carton of cream and a day pack of Keto Chow in their entirety each time. The blender bottles would go in the fridge for overnight chilling and most of the time I just kept it in the blender bottle and had that for breakfast with 2 meals worth of the muffins in ziploc bags in my backpack (along with keto snacks). Here’s my backpack ready for a day of class:

Ready for Class

The muffins were nice and flexible since they should last unrefrigerated for at least 3 days. If I ended up having something keto at a restaurant, the muffins would go back into the fridge when I got home for the next days’ meals. In all, it worked out great: I stayed in ketosis, didn’t gain any weight on the trip, and didn’t have to worry about meals. This last point was really important as our AirBNB sucked for finding a place to eat. One of the guys I was traveling with ended up having several of my muffins on several occasions rather than going out for food after a long day walking around.

I ate Keto Chow in class, in line, walking down the street, I even ate two of the muffins on Alcatraz island (in the area where food is permitted, naturally).

Never fear, I’m packing my own food =)

Attending a class this morning, it lasts 3 days. As expected, the “breakfast” consisted of pastries, juice and other stuff I will not eat. Good thing I have Keto Chow in my backpack (plus a bunch of snacks and stuff)

Ready for Class

I have breakfast and lunch in Hydro Flask insulated containers and dinner is a bag of Keto Chow brownie muffins. I mixed up the liquid Keto Chow last night before going to bed and made the muffins back on Thursday night when I froze them for better travel.

We’re selling Blender Bottles now

A couple months ago we ordered some Blender Bottles with the Keto Chow logo on it. The plan was we were going to package the “Sample All the Things!” inside a blender bottle, it was going to be awesome. The bottles were supposed to be ready next week. Unfortunately, it appears our stuff was in a container being transported on a Hanjin freighter so it’s unknown when we will actually get them. They offered us a deal on un-branded Blender Bottles to tide us over; so today I drove down to the Blender Bottle corporate headquarters and picked up an Excursion full:

Bunch of Blender Bottles

We bought a bunch of extra black ones and have packaged all the “Sample all the things!” bundles we had handy in them. So starting today: if you order one, you get a Blender Bottle too! We figure you’re going to need one anyway =)

We also have a bunch of other colors on sale for $6 each. Check it out


By |2016-11-07T11:04:01-07:00September 23rd, 2016|Categories: Keto Chow|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Revised Keto Chow Brownie/Muffin recipe

This entry is part 60 of 131 in the series Ketogenic Diet

My original Keto Chow brownie/bar recipe was a bit of a hack, luckily one of my readers refined the recipe and shared his changes. The result is a much better “brownie” recipe that also makes extremely good muffins. Here is the updated recipe, and here are some photos from last night:

I’ve made it “Brownie” style in a pan and then cut up but I ended up with an uncooked center section. Splitting it up into “muffins” removes that problem entirely and makes it less crumbly so it’s easier to transport. I made 6 “meals” with 3 muffins being a meal.

Personally, I like this better than the muffins made with the pancake/muffin recipe since they don’t collapse after cooling. I’m planning on making a batch next time I’m traveling since it doesn’t absolutely require refrigeration for a few days and transports easily.

Why I make Keto Chow

This entry is part 57 of 131 in the series Ketogenic Diet

I want to help people change their lives… and help them not go nuts in the process.

Nutritional Ketosis (aka “Keto” or “Ketogenic Diet”) can be highly effective but it’s daunting, especially for beginners. Keto is the only thing I have ever tried that has had any lasting effect on my health and my weight. I consider it like the “Konami Code“: a cheat or hack, because of how effective it has been in turning around my life (and the lives of family, friends, and former strangers =).  I’m committed to helping others get into the Keto lifestyle and Keto Chow makes doing Keto easier; not only for beginners that are just starting out, but also for grizzled veterans who have been doing keto for years.

My first introduction to the ketogenic diet was when our oldest son started having seizures. After trying most of the common anticonvulsants (with no success) the neurologist sent my wife home with some information on a dietary treatment to control the seizures. He told her that if they didn’t have success with a medication soon then we would need to try a ketogenic diet. Glancing through the information he provided, my initial reaction was “holy crap, that sounds impossible!” all of the dietary restrictions and rules were more than we could handle. We would be like this family. The next medication worked and I all but forgot about the ketogenic diet. Years later it came up again when I decided I needed to lose weight.

When you first start doing Keto, there is a lot of information to be learned. There’s new vocabulary, new science, new lists of things you should or shouldn’t eat. It can actually be a bit dangerous if you don’t do sufficient research and don’t know that insufficient electrolytes will make you feel terrible (it’s called “Keto Flu” and it isn’t any fun) – that was one of the mistakes I made when I started Keto. I also started keto using a meal replacement shake that was loaded with coconut flour, chia seeds and other gritty stuff.

My goals in making Keto Chow were:

  1. Make figuring out Keto easy. Easy on your brain and easy to prepare the food.
  2. Keep people from running into electrolyte deficiency (the aforementioned “Keto Flu”).
  3. Make it tasty enough that you’ll not just tolerate it but honestly, actually, for realsies, enjoy consuming it (and want more).
  4. Make sure people are getting the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients they need to be healthy. Likely healthier than ever before.

Here’s the honest truth: I completely and entirely believe in this product and the Ketogenic diet. It’s not the end-all, be-all answer to everything in the world and I don’t eat it all day, every day for every meal (because: bacon and cheese). But I do have it for most meals.

I made Keto Chow for myself, it just happens to be the sort of thing that other people like too. It’s easy to prepare meals and I don’t have to worry about missing out on weird vitamins or minerals. I hit my macronutrient goals. I’m getting my electrolytes and it’s REALLY good tasting – like I’m always sad when my Chocolate Peanut Butter is empty. I mix up a couple days worth at a time and am able to just grab containers out of the fridge on my way out the door. Let me give you an example:

Last weekend our family went to help some friends cut wood. They use it to heat their home during the winter and you can get a permit to take dead pines (either that or they eventually fall over and block the road; the pines, not our friends =). It’s insanely cheap to get the permit ($5 a cord, 4 cords minimum – a cord is a really arbitrary measurement). We had to leave by 6 AM to get down to the place at the time we wanted. While I was packing the cooler with food for the kids I threw in several “blender bottle” containers full of Keto Chow… and that was it! I drank one on the drive and the other in between chopping up the tree. It’s easy, it’s effective and it’s tasty. I even brought along Keto Chow to Disneyland.

So I use it myself, how about other people? PrimitiveOrigins posted that he had lost 100 lbs on Keto Chow, complete with before and after pics. I asked him for a full review, here it is:

About a year and a half ago I was having a bunch of medical issues and it seemed my diet had to change and I needed to lose some weight. So after trying diet after diet nothing worked. A lot of this had to do with the nature of the diets themselves, I’m very “black and white” as a person and the diets I was attempting were very just avoid carbs at night or try to eat vegan for breakfast and lunch. That is fine for some people, but since these diets gave me an inch I became a ruler. I needed something as strict and rigid as myself, I stumbled across keto. It seemed very easy for me to do. Want pizza? Nope, can’t have it: carbs and sugar. Want a pineapple? Full of sugar: nope. So I went forth with this idea and it was fine for a while, but I soon realized I disliked cooking and eating; only keto gave me a realization that I was only eating for fuel so I started looking for something that would fit that idea.

I found Soylent quite quickly and marveled at the idea; this was exactly what I was looking for, but soon realized it wouldn’t work for me as weight loss was my goal and Soylent doesn’t really provide efficient weight loss. So I started looking for keto version of soylent and discovered […] Keto Chow. I placed my first order of a months’ worth of rich chocolate.

I explained to my wife what I was planning on doing, she was skeptical to say the least (amplified by the fact that the order came in a ziploc bag lol.), but I pressed and she agreed if anything was going to work it would be this. I got my order and mixed everything up and the next day I would have my first meal.

I had my first meal. Taste wise, I did not enjoy rich chocolate at all, but again I was drinking it only for fuel so I pushed through it. I drink 2 a day as it works for my schedule better, one at around 6am and the other at around 6pm, I have done this for about a year and a half now.

The toughest part was training myself out of eating socially, that took about a month to get used to. Once that was over it was smooth sailing, I started mixing my own.

I didn’t see any weight loss, but I got a scale and I was reading it on the scale, so something had to be working. It was insanely motivating and frankly addicting. When people would offer me food or soda my gut reaction was like: “Are you insane? I’m not working out and I’m losing weight at an aggressive rate, you couldn’t pay me to stop this!” My friends all thought I was nuts for the first month or two then after I dropped my first 50lbs or so they were very interested and I had at least 4 friends try it. None of which could stick with it as aggressively as I did/do. It’s a wonderful meal replacement, but real weight loss takes dedication and I was determined.

I’ve “cheated” on Keto Chow by, now and then – maybe once a month, getting plain meatballs from Noodles&Co. or having scrambled eggs and bacon and that was great while it lasted, but I was having some stomach trouble from that so I gave it up.

Overall my plans for the future are: Keto Chow until I cannot anymore. One of the reasons I’m going to be doing keto chow the rest of my life is because I had undiagnosed absence seizures. For the longest time, my wife and I just thought I’d get mixed up when speaking because of my stutter and forget what I was talking about. I’d have really bad headaches and get randomly tired throughout the day. I was going to the doctor to make sure I wasn’t losing weight too fast and that everything was going smoothly. It was, but one day I happened to “cheat” and grab some Noodles&Co. meatballs before my Dr. appointment; and I had an absence seizure right in front of him. He noticed and we started testing for epilepsy. Apparently I have a good deal of food allergies that also trigger seizures, but apparently I was an undiagnosed epileptic for some time and thanks to you I’ve been seizure free for almost 2 years. (Minus the forced ones.)

It’s so cheap, it’s so simple. I see no reason to ever change my diet at this point. My wife and my friends are all used to it; it’s a bit strange explaining it to new people, but the results speak for themselves. Overall I’ve never been happier or more healthy and it’s all thanks to Chris.

Seriously, that’s just awesome. This is why I make Keto Chow.