Day 065 – 100 days of Keto (Chow)
- Weight: 207.1
- Blood ketones: 0.4 mmol/L
There was a party over at my sister’s house last night, along with bringing the pastries she asked for we also brought smoked salmon, veggies and a bunch of cheese. (more…)
There was a party over at my sister’s house last night, along with bringing the pastries she asked for we also brought smoked salmon, veggies and a bunch of cheese. (more…)
Um, that’s the wrong way. +2.7lbs since Friday? (more…)
Did a really good job at not chewing anything all day yesterday… (more…)
Again with the running! I went to my dentist yesterday to see if the pain in my jaw was tooth related, got a panoramic x-ray and everything looks good. (more…)
Ran again last night, there was a comment yesterday about my routine. (more…)
Not much to report today, drank 3 keto chows yesterday (Peanut Butter & Cookies and Cream). (more…)
I like finding reviews of my stuff around teh Intrawebs. (more…)
Weight stayed the same, I’ll take it. (more…)
Weight is still going down and my ketones are getting up into happy territory. (more…)