For the next week, you can get 10% off the 21 meal “week” size of Natural Strawberry 2.1. We introduced the Natural Strawberry as a way to test out using monk fruit as a sweetener instead of sucralose. Occasionally we’ll get someone that likes the concept of Keto Chow but personally is avoiding certain sweeteners – this gives them the option of doing so. Monk Fruit does not taste the same as sucralose though; it’s far better than stevia in the taste testing we did, but it does only work with certain flavors and strawberry was a good fit. Check out the flavor reviews of 2.1 Natural Strawberry!

Speaking of reviews, you should check out our store reviews on Google, and the reviews of Keto Chow. Here’s a “taste”:

I called in because I had questions about my order. My customer service rep was so nice and had great helpful tips. I could tell he loves the product and was super helpful!

Here’s another review, it should be noted that I publish all of the reviews that come in – bad or good – as they are, typos intact. The only ones I remove are spam posts from people wanting you to buy pills to “enhance performance” and such.

I love the yummy flavors of Keto Chow. I have not tried one that I haven’t liked. I am so excited that the sample meals of the new flavors are back in stock. I love the thickness and texture of the shakes.