For the next week, you can get 10% off the 21 meal “week” size of Chocolate Mint 2.1. Check out the flavor reviews of 2.1 Chocolate Mint!

Want to know something cool you can do with the Chocolate Mint? Check this out:

Speaking of reviews, you should check out our store reviews on Google, and the reviews of Keto Chow. Here’s a “taste”:

Keto Chow never disappoints. Orders are well packed, accurate, arrive fast and are delicious and easy to use. I love Keto Chow and I highly recommend it.

Here’s another review, it should be noted that I publish all of the reviews that come in – bad or good – as they are, typos intact. The only ones I remove are spam posts from people wanting you to buy pills to “enhance performance” and such. Here’s one of the few bad reviews we’ve ever received:

The product tastes good (eggnog) & is very filling I could only drink half at a time) but I was disappointed to learn that it contains sucralose as the sweetener, & not stevia, monk fruit or erythritrol.

Some people don’t like Sucralose (for a variety of reasons). Then again, some don’t like Stevia. I even had someone contact me that was particularly vocal about how bad they thought Erythritol is. The reason we use Sucralose in the majority of our flavors is covered on our FAQ: Why use a “chemical” sweetener like sucralose? why not stevia, monk fruit, or erythritol? Here’s what we say in that post:

That’s a very good question. The short answer is: because stevia doesn’t taste very good to the overwhelming majority of our taste testers. We do have a version of strawberry (“Natural Strawberry”) that does indeed use monk fruit instead of sucralose. It costs more to produce and doesn’t taste as good (in my opinion). We also have the Base Powder version which you combine with your choice of flavored/sweetened protein powder – lets you use whatever you’d like. Besides all that, stevia isn’t magical and causes the same reactions in humans as anything else that’s sweet so why not use the best tasting option?

Allow me to quote Julie from the Sofa King Keto facebook group – she illustrates why we use sucralose really well:

Holy what the hell. Go buy Keto Chow. It is NO joke. I am not a packaged foods kinda gal but needed something to get me back on the Keto track. I was thinking, honestly, “ok, I can choke this down for a couple weeks.” Um. NOT EVEN CLOSE. This shiz is delicious!!! And easy to make! Holy wow!
I bought both the peanut butter chocolate and the raspberry cheesecake. I blended 1/2 c heavy cream and 1/2 cup coconut milk with ice with a scoop of chow. Thick like a milkshake. No weird malt “slim fast” taste.

(Chris here) I personally use Keto Chow for at least 2 meals a day, often 3. I don’t want something that I have to suffer through, I want something so delectable that I’m sad when I run out. I want it to taste so good that I swish it around in my mouth, enjoying the flavor; not plugging my nose and chugging it as fast as possible. And I won’t sell something that’s gross or barely tolerable. It’s gotta be delightful and that’s what you get with sucralose: the best flavor possible. A meal replacement that doesn’t taste AMAZING isn’t helpful in its intended use.

What about the rat studies showing changes in gut bacteria when exposed to sucralose? Humans are not rats. Those rats weren’t consuming acacia gum. Those rats weren’t on a ketogenic diet. Even more important is the DOSE that was being given to the rats. The dosage is usually expressed in mg/Kg or how many milligrams of sucralose were given per Kilogram of body weight. In the US, it was estimated (top of page 3) that most people consume 98mg of sucralose per day resulting in a dose of 1.6mg/Kg. In a recent study to determine the effects of sucralose, the rats were given an average of 80.4 mg/kg. Let’s see how that compares to what you would get by consuming Keto Chow:

The Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) level for sucralose was set at 5 mg/kg body weight per day (mg/kg/d) (page 10) in the US and 15 mg/kg/d in the EU. So you’d only even be close to that using Keto Chow if you do it 3x a day and weigh 100lbs/45kg.