Let’s try this again, with the right dates this time. For the next week, you can get 10% off the 21 meal “week” size of Vanilla 2.1. Vanilla is a really versatile flavor and lends itself to all kinds of hacking and tomfoolery =) A month ago, in a thread in the KetoChow subreddit We had a bit of awesomeness from MrCharismatist about Vanilla:

What’ll really blow your mind is that all you need is Vanilla and some bottles of Torani sugar free syrup.

Vanilla + Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough syrup is fantastic.

Vanilla + Orange tastes strangely like Froot Loops in a good way.

Vanilla + Red Raspberry is dead on “Red Snow Cone”.

As to Chicken Soup, there’s no need to overthink it and boil water in a kettle to a certain temp. As long as it’s still warm after you put cream or butter in it, it’s fine. My kitchen sink is shockingly hot and I just use it straight.

I’ve got six weeks of chocolate, sevenish of chicken Soup left. When I reorder it’s going to be all Vanilla and Chicken Soup.

To which LavernicaDeLuca replied:

Absolutely agree with the vanilla is all you need. It’s an amazing base for adding flavors. I love adding peanut butter to vanilla, it’s a dream come true for a peanut butter fanatic like me, I just use PB as the oil, it’s amazing. And of course, vanilla is great on its own too. It’s definitely my favorite KC.

There’s also this entire thread just about Vanilla Keto Chow and how versatile it is, give it a read. There’s even more fun, check out the flavor reviews of 2.1 Vanilla!

Speaking of reviews, you should check out our store reviews on Google, and the reviews of Keto Chow. Here’s a “taste”:

I will admit, my expectations for these shakes regarding flavor want that high. I’ve used lots of shakes pre-keto and most were pretty awful. When I took my first ship of Raspberry Cheesecake this morning I quickly grabbed the package to make sure it was the right thing. It was so good! I can’t wait to tri the other flavors! Plus it kept me satiated for several hours. I’m so glad I found this!

Here’s another, should be noted that I publish all of the reviews that come in – bad or good – as they are, typos intact. The only ones I remove are spam posts from people wanting you to buy pills to “enhance performance” and such.

These are SO yummy!!! Like eyes-rolling-back-in-your-head delicious!!! They take all the guess work out of keto meal planning and I LOVE it!!! They are so convenient for a work day and VERY filling!! I will DEFINITELY be ordering more!! Thanks KetoChow!!!