The place doing the manufacturing and packaging for Keto Chow 2.1 ordered all of the ingredients over a month ago and the last ingredient (the flavor) arrived earlier this week… or so we though =( Turns out the Acacia Gum had not even shipped yet and wouldn’t be in stock until April 6, add 4-5 days for transit from New Jersey and the earliest it would be in production is April 10 or 11, which sucks.

We happen to have a guy that drinks Keto Chow who works for one of the largest (if not THE largest) acacia gum distributors in the world. We contacted him and he has an exact match for the stuff that’s out of stock from the other place, a few hours earlier and it might have even shipped today but their cut off time for today’s shipments had already passed. It would have shipped tomorrow but their warehouse is closed for Good Friday. So it’s shipping on Monday, April 2. It’s going to take somewhere between 3-4 days in transit plus a few days for the testing, mixing, and packaging when it arrives. We may see stuff as early as Friday, April 6 but more likely is the following Monday: April 9.

So we’re delayed a week. It’s not the end of the world but it most certainly stinks and will leave a bunch of people disappointed. I was personally counting on 2.1 chocolate for breakfast tomorrow =( I guess that’s life, but I don’t have to like it.