For the next week, you can get 10% off the 21 meal “week” size of Cookies & Cream 2.0.1. Check out the reviews of 2.0 Cookies & Cream!

Speaking of reviews, you should check out our store reviews on Google, and the reviews of Keto Chow. Here’s a “taste”:

Delicious stuff and amazing customer service that keeps you constantly updated. I would happily drink the chocolate peanut butter shake on a daily basis even if I weren’t on a keto diet.

Here’s another, should be noted that I publish all of the reviews that come in – bad or good – as they are, typos intact. The only ones I remove are spam posts from people wanting you to buy pills to “enhance performance” and such:

Keto 2.0 offers very little net carbs so you can still enjoy leafy greens while staying well below 25 net carbs. I am used to having generic vanilla or chocolate protein powder. I ordered the 2.0 cookies and cream and it tastes so good! I actually look forward to my blend whenever I am hungry and stay full for a long time.