This week we’re getting started a little late of the sale because of the holiday, I hope everyone had a nice Memorial Day. We’re doing a sale on Rich Chocolate v1.9 – normally I’d say “all sizes” but we only have Rich Chocolate in the 21 meal “week” size, though we do have quite a lot of those. Historically, it’s the most popular flavor of Keto Chow. Instead of the normal $65 price, you can get it for $55.25 – and if you buy 4 at a time you’ll get an additional 5% off bringing it down to $52.49 per bag! (plus you’ll save a bunch on shipping 4 compared to 4 shipments of 1). Oh and while I don’t think we will sell out of the Rich Chocolate this week during the sale, because we won’t be restocking Rich Chocolate 1.9 I suppose I should include:

*while supplies last