Printable sticker sheets for labeling your Keto Chow storage containers
OK, this is a weird one but whatever. Miriam has been putting our Keto Chow into some storage containers - others likely work just fine, these are the ones that fit how tall inside our [...]
Facebook Live recording from September 17, 2019
Every week we do a live broadcast where we answer questions, talk about fun stuff, and more! Here is the high-quality recording straight from the camera in UHD4K We talked about: The Keto [...]
Keto 3 Giveaway: Select Savory Seasonings, Chef Shamy & Keto Chow
3 COMPANIES, 3 PRIZE PACKAGE, 3 DAYS and 3 WINNERS!! It’s time for another awesome giveaway featuring Select Savory Seasonings’ (Ranch-tastic, Who Needs the French Onion Soup Mix, Ranch Dressing), Chef Shamy’s flavored butters [...]
Flavor of the week: Get 10% off the Pumpkin Spice Caramel Keto Chow 21 meal packs between Sept 16 – Sept 22
Get 10% off Pumpkin Spice Caramel today! Until September 22 you can get 10% off the 21 meal "week" size of the Pumpkin Spice Caramel Keto Chow. Normally, the Pumpkin Spice Caramel is [...]
Facebook Live recording from September 10, 2019
Every week we do a live broadcast where we answer questions, talk about fun stuff, and more! Here is the high-quality recording straight from the camera in UHD4K We talked about: The Keto [...]
Flavor of the week: Get 10% off the Eggnog Keto Chow 21 meal packs between Sept 9 – Sept 15
Get 10% off Eggnog today! Until September 15 you can get 10% off the 21 meal "week" size of the Eggnog Keto Chow. Normally, the Eggnog is $66 for 21 meals, this week [...]
Informational video: What is Keto Chow?
Miriam and Chris Bair from Keto Chow sit down to briefly talk about what Keto Chow is. It's a meal replacement shake mix that's designed to make getting the right nutrients on a ketogenic diet [...]
2019 Complete Food Survey
Hey, do you enjoy the convenience that comes with getting 1/3 of your daily nutrition in every meal of Keto Chow? It's what's sometimes called a "Complete Food" (though I personally prefer "engineered staple food" [...]
Facebook Live recording from September 3, 2019
Every week we do a live broadcast where we answer questions, talk about fun stuff, and more! Here is the high-quality recording straight from the camera in UHD4K We talked about: The Keto [...]
New Video: What is “Keto”?
What is "Keto" or a Ketogenic Diet, how do you do it? Miriam and Chris from Keto Chow sit down to talk about how to do a well-formulated ketogenic diet and set yourself up for [...]