This entry is part 75 of 107 in the series 100 Days of Keto Chow

The conference is DONE! We finished last night, packed up, came back to the rental house, washed some stuff while Steve was cooking the steaks we bought on Friday (I had Chocolate Toffee Keto Chow), and then we went to BED. My Oura ring says I slept for 8 hours and 42 minutes. That doesn’t even come close to making up for Saturday night but it’s a start =)

Today we’re driving back home to Salt Lake, I have my 3 meals of Keto Chow mixed up and ready in a cooler with some ice packs. I think the rest of the crew is also drinking Keto Chow for lunch. Anyhow, I’ll be back to high-production-value videos tomorrow =)

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