For the next week, you can get 10% off the 21 meal “week” size of Chocolate Toffee. Chocolate Toffee (Heath Candy Bar) is somewhat unique among the flavors: most of the flavors are a result of Chris saying “I want this flavor”; Chocolate Toffee was an unconditional mandate by Miriam and is consequently her favorite flavor. Check out the flavor reviews of 2.1 Chocolate Toffee!

Speaking of reviews, you should check out our store reviews on Google, and the reviews of Keto Chow. Here’s a “taste”:

I love all the shakes! It’s the only shake and I have tried them all, that taste fabulous!!! I even have my daughter using them and she has always hated shakes!!!

Here’s another review, it should be noted that I publish all of the reviews that come in – bad or good – as they are, typos intact. The only ones I remove are spam posts from people wanting you to buy pills to “enhance performance” and such.

I bought these to give the product a try.
This is not the first Keto shake product we have tried but it will be the last. We have had no problem using this with our dietary needs. Other shakes tastes so bad we couldn’t drink it, which doesn’t do anyone any good and was a huge waste of money. Glad we found this product and the sample pack is a great way to see what you like best.