For the next week, you can get 10% off the 21 meal “week” size of Strawberry 2.0.2. Check out the reviews of 2.0 Strawberry!

Speaking of reviews, you should check out our store reviews on Google, and the reviews of Keto Chow. Here’s a “taste”:

Love the product, and turnaround and service are bar none the best I’ve experienced.

Here’s another, should be noted that I publish all of the reviews that come in – bad or good – as they are, typos intact. The only ones I remove are spam posts from people wanting you to buy pills to “enhance performance” and such:

This is by far the best shake I have ever had. I can drink it every day and not get tired of it. I crave it and look forward to having it. It feels like a treat. I blend it with ice and not as much water and use a spoon to eat it like ice cream. I’ve lost 40 pounds since starting keto chow.