The shelf life of unopened Keto Chow is 2 years with no detectable change to the flavor or nutrition. You can read more about the accelerated shelf-life testing on our website. Each package has a “best by” date printed on the package that lets you know how long it will last.

The primary factor determining how long an opened bag of Keto Chow will last is humidity. If you live in an arid climate, you may have bags that are still fresh and tasty after 4-5 months. If you live in humidity, the powder may get clumpy and spoil after only a few days.

There are a few things you can do to combat the humidity:

  • Use desiccant packets (the “DO NOT EAT” things you find in stuff)
  • Store your bags in the freezer, not to keep them cold but because freezers tend to be crazy low humidity, and the cold doesn’t hurt either
  • Get smaller bags or split up the large bag into smaller bags
Category: Keto Chow Preparation