memorial day

Remembrances on Memorial Day from Miriam

Memorial Day has a special place in my heart. Not only does it give us the opportunity to honor those who protect our freedom, it is also a time for family and friends. Often it is the first camp out of the season, at least here in Utah where it can be cold up until the end of May. It’s close to my heart for other reasons, though.

When I was a little girl, we would always visit cemeteries on Memorial Day. We would plan a picnic together with cousins and meet at or near the cemeteries of our loved ones. We would tell stories of when those loved ones were with us, what they were like, and how they influenced our lives. We would buy flowers and put them on their graves. It may seem simple but it was a time to be together—a time to remember and feel the love of those we missed. My mom was always the driving force for these gatherings. She passed away in 2012, so now we bring flowers and a picnic to her grave. We think about her life and influence over us and our love for her.

My dad and both of his parents were in the military. I love the feeling I get when I see all of those flags lined up along the grass.  I am so grateful for the men and women who sacrificed so much to keep our country free and us safe.

This Memorial Day, I know many of us are honoring those who came before, remembering the love they shared with us. We can learn powerful lessons from stories of the past. We can look toward our future with hope. We can take our knowledge and honor our loved ones by living better lives, healthier, more compassionate lives. We can work to inspire others with those memories. We can be kinder to ourselves. I am grateful for the memories I have of this holiday

that bring my heart joy and peace. I hope this Memorial Day you make some happy memories and remember you are important and loved.

By |2021-05-31T06:43:29-06:00May 29th, 2021|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: |9 Comments

Closed Monday in Honor of Memorial Day

In honor of Memorial Day, we will be closed on Monday, May 25th. We appreciate all who served or have served us and make sacrifices for our freedom, Thank you!

Just a reminder that because we are not open, we will not be shipping that day; and none of the mail carriers (USPS, UPS, etc…) will be moving packages. An order placed on Friday afternoon will not actually ship until Tuesday, even if it’s a “next day air” package. Please be aware of this constraint when placing orders over the next few days.


And did you know we have a military and first responder discount? Keto Chow is happy to offer a 5% discount off your order total through GovX ID. This offer is available for all US active-duty military, veterans, military families, first responders, and government employees. To redeem your discount, visit our website at for instructions and more.

By |2020-05-21T08:50:26-06:00May 20th, 2020|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , , |0 Comments