Daily Storage for Soylent
So a recent thread on /r/soylent asked what people use to store their daily Soylent. Here is what I do. (more…)
So a recent thread on /r/soylent asked what people use to store their daily Soylent. Here is what I do. (more…)
As part of my continuing effort to take pictures of soylent (still DIY, people chow to be specific) at notable locations around Utah I now present soylent at Lagoon: (more…)
Someone was nice enough to sell me 2 days of official Soylent a while ago and I’ve been looking for an opportunity to try it. So I finally mixed it up today. (more…)
I’ve kinda got a thing going with “soylent at x location” action shots. (more…)
I’m back doing the “regular” People Chow (as opposed to Low-Cal) and I’m mixing the oil into each meal instead of downing the days worth when I’m getting ready in the morning. (more…)
Following a discussion on Reddit, I’ve added the option for having cocoa powder mixing in with people chow. (more…)
I’ve said it before but this stuff is really handy when you’re busy. Like at work (more…)
A few days ago there was a post on the Soylent Discourse forum about using a popcorn butter pump for oil. (more…)
There’s a really well produced news story about Soylent and soylent (DIY) at http://www.sbs.com.au/thefeed/blog/2014/08/12/soylent-meal-replacement – might be an easy way to tell people what the whole soylent thing is about (sourced from Reddit).
After my post about using a pump to measure oil some people on the reddit thread were wondering why use a pump instead of a measuring cup or even a turkey baster. (more…)