The primary goal of Keto Chow is very simple: Simply and easily get the best nutrients for humans doing a ketogenic diet. That’s it. All of the decisions we make, so far as to which ingredients we use, derive from that one goal.

The REASON for that most important factor is also equally simple: Our founder (Chris) uses Keto Chow for most of his food (and sometimes ALL for 100 days, seriously!). When the person in charge of formulating the product LIVES for months exclusively on it, they quickly make decisions to better the product’s taste and nutrition. It’s a bit of a selfish thing, but something that we think more companies should try it. This is why we use the forms of vitamins and minerals that are best for humans:

  • Vitamin D3 instead of D2
  • Vitamin K2 (MK-7 to be specific) instead of K1
  • Retinol instead of Beta Carotene (vitamin A)
  • Methylated folate instead of Folic Acid for everyone with MTHFR (plus methylated B12)
  • Magnesium Malate instead of Magnesium Oxide
  • Selenium, and more – you’ll find additional details at

Many of the vitamins are derived from animal sources, from specially bred single-cell organisms, or even synthesized in a laboratory. From our perspective, the specific manner in which an ingredient is made is less relevant than it’s purity and quality. Also, how beneficial that specific form is to humans. Again, that’s what happens when the person formulating it doesn’t want to get a vitamin deficiency.

So the answer to the questions of “Is Keto Chow ‘organic’?” (and we’re talking the common contemporary usage here as opposed to the actual meaning of “contains carbon”) or “Is Keto Chow ‘GMO’ free?” would be: As a whole? No, it’s neither “organic,” nor GMO-free. There are some ingredients in Keto Chow that would qualify for those label claims.  However, we aren’t interested in not using the best, most nutritious ingredients we can find to make that claim. It would be a disservice to our customers that rely upon us for the highest quality nutrition possible.

Having products that are “Organic” or “GMO-Free” are very important to many people. Caring about your health is a great thing! Our research directs us to put actionable data and science above philosophy. This, unfortunately, means that if you only purchase “organic” products, this isn’t the best option for you.

Category: Keto Chow Nutrition