User Experiences

Beverly’s Week 7 (Week 1 of Science)

This entry is part 8 of 16 in the series 100 Days of Keto Chow - Beverly's Experience

Hello Keto Chow blog readers.  TODAY IS DAY 50!  Even though these 50 days have been really quite easy for me, I am excited to be at this point in the journey.  Up until now, I have not been fond of knowing what day I am on.  There were too many days ahead – I just couldn’t deal with it in that sense.  I would rather just think of it as an indefinite lifestyle decision.  As I told my sweet husband when we did our liquid diet together over a year ago (with no anticipated end date), “This is life!”  I said it all the time (eyes rolling, even at myself).  It just is what it is.  Deal with it.  Move along.  I have a dry sense of humor and a practical approach to life so this is just how I am.

This week is still technically Week 1 of the Science Phase (this Week 1 ends Thursday night – the weekly starting point is now Friday morning instead of Wednesday morning).  Since the fat source for the first two weeks is heavy whipping cream, everything in my diet and life is same-same as it has been the past 6+ weeks!  I am still doing 1200 calories per day, still drinking my three shakes between 4:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. each day, and still going to yoga classes three times a week.  The only thing that is different for me during Week 1 and Week 2 of the Science Phase is a standing appointment for a blood draw first thing every Friday morning.  Then there is the looming dread of Weeks 3 through 6 where I will be using oil(s) as my fat source.  I am not looking forward to that because I really love the way that Keto Chow shakes taste when they are made with heavy whipping cream!

I said I would not be sharing charts anymore – but I have to!  I have something important to show you.  Check out how my weight loss has like been these 7 weeks to see what true weight loss looks like (it is NOT linear):

This whole time since January 2, I have been trying to not expect weight loss because my weight was already “acceptable” and because I had never tested the 1200-calorie daily limit to see if I could lose on that amount.  But look what is happening – I am losing weight!  I have lost 12.6 pounds in 7 weeks!  If you look at the numbers closely, it almost looks like my body held onto the weight I was at for over five weeks before finally giving up and deciding to start losing again.  Who would have guessed?!  Not me!  (There are four blank days because I did not weigh myself when I went to visit one of my sisters.)

My weekly average chart interests me (and surprises me) also.  It is not at all what I expected would happen.  I was quite content to see a weekly loss of less than 1 pound per week.  Yet here I am with a total loss of 12.6 pounds and an average of 1.8 pounds per week – crazy!

I am anticipating that my weight will stall again right where it is and bounce around like it did in the beginning for a few weeks.  But I could be wrong again.  I can’t wait to see what happens these next 50 days!

100 Days of Keto (Chow) Day 50

This entry is part 56 of 107 in the series 100 Days of Keto Chow

Halfway! I am officially 50% done with my 100 days of eating nothing but Keto Chow. Honestly, it’s really been quite easy. It’s been a drag when I was cooking amazing Keto food for my family but other than that, I’m not bored with what I’m eating, not suffering any debilitating problems, the only real issue I’ve had the entire time was that I needed to take a probiotic when I switched to eating Keto Chow for all my meals to get things happy in my tummy. My first blood test of the experiment should be available for me to look at tomorrow afternoon. I suspect it will say that I am alive, my triglycerides are low, my HDL is normal, and my LDL will be quite high, not that LDL being high matters.

We did our Facebook live last night, had some technical issues but it was great to hear from Taffiny. I think I have a solution for the technical issues so this won’t be a problem in the future, looks like is the answer. We have the Blender Bottles with the new Keto Chow logo on them up on the site, that does mean that the $1 Blender Bottle party is over =( We do still have some of the old ones but they’re now $6.50 each (which is still a really good price)

By |2019-02-20T09:07:23-07:00February 20th, 2019|Categories: 100 Days of Keto Chow, Weight Loss|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

100 Days of Keto (Chow) Day 49

This entry is part 55 of 107 in the series 100 Days of Keto Chow

Oh man, we are so close to the half-way point! As of today I’m down 25.4lbs, my blood ketone levels were on the low side last night at 1.9mmol/L but today they are up to 2.3mmol/L (not that that really matters, still cool though). I’m still really enjoying the “just heavy cream” part of the current section, it’s really yummy.

Spent all morning moving Miriam’s computer, we’re going to put Steve up front to handle walk-in customers now. I need to put up a bunch of recipes on the site today, especially since we’re going to be having Taffiny (the lady that made many of the recipes on our site) as a guest on the Facebook live we are doing tonight. Be sure to join us at 7:30 pm Mountain time!

By |2019-02-19T10:06:46-07:00February 19th, 2019|Categories: 100 Days of Keto Chow, Weight Loss|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

100 Days of Keto (Chow) Day 48

This entry is part 54 of 107 in the series 100 Days of Keto Chow

Had a fantastic dinner last night – even me =) Everyone else had a bunch of Lasagna. We octupled the recipe – actually had half left over this morning which the kids made short work of that. As for the 100 days of Keto Chow, still going great, I’m in the middle of my “just Heavy Cream” phase, which is delicious. I think I’m currently down 24.5lbs since I started on January 2.

Got a ton of crazy stuff to get done today, I migrated the blog to a new host, switched email services for and other fun. And by fun, I mean lots of work.

By |2019-02-18T10:29:12-07:00February 18th, 2019|Categories: 100 Days of Keto Chow, Weight Loss|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

100 Days of Keto (Chow) Day 47

This entry is part 53 of 107 in the series 100 Days of Keto Chow

Had a fantastic Meet-up yesterday, I think we had over 30 people here. Lots of fun! I drank my Keto Chow =)


By |2019-02-18T10:17:52-07:00February 17th, 2019|Categories: 100 Days of Keto Chow, Weight Loss|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

100 Days of Keto (Chow) Day 46

This entry is part 52 of 107 in the series 100 Days of Keto Chow

Everything is still going swell here on day 46. I made a bunch of the Keto Chow drop biscuits this afternoon, they’re pretty much freaking awesome. I did taste a little, and spat it into the garbage. Although it does have Keto Chow, it’s also almond flour and eggs and I’m in the science portion of the experiment now so I need to maintain clean variables. Would be absolutely fantastic with some keto sausage gravy!

We’re hosting a keto meet-up here in just a few minutes so I gotta run!

By |2019-02-16T17:10:10-07:00February 16th, 2019|Categories: 100 Days of Keto Chow, Weight Loss|Tags: , , , , , |2 Comments

100 Days of Keto (Chow) Day 45

This entry is part 51 of 107 in the series 100 Days of Keto Chow

It’s been a crazy morning. First I went and did my first blood draw for the science portion of the 100 day experiment, got another 6L of liquid nitrogen, and then proceeded to have a bunch of intensive business meetings. Didn’t even get my daily video recorded until almost noon!

By |2019-02-15T13:21:26-07:00February 15th, 2019|Categories: 100 Days of Keto Chow, Weight Loss|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

100 Days of Keto (Chow) Day 44

This entry is part 50 of 107 in the series 100 Days of Keto Chow

So close to halfway! =) We’re going to go to Buffalo Wild Wings for Valentine’s Day lunch today. I’ll probably drink my Keto Chow beforehand and just tell the server that I’m fasting, that’s easier than “Well you see, I’m doing this weird experiment where I am only drinking a high-fat ketogenic meal replacement shake for 100 days and I’m currently on day 44 so I can’t eat any of your delicious wings that are deep fried in BEEF FAT and have fewer than 2g of carbs in them, so I’ll just have a drink please.” I told Miriam that I would be quite willing to go out for food but she’s been reticent to do it – something about social conventions and it being weird that I’m not eating. I’m perfectly fine not eating, it’s a lot like doing keto when there’s no viable food available and so you just don’t eat – same thing =). Speaking of beef fat, I did finally get the squares of rendered beef fat that I made from the trimmings off the brisket, cut up and put into the freezer. So I have probably 2-3lbs of those now that I can use for cooking in the future and it was way better than throwing all that away! I’ll probably use some to deep fry chicken wings sometime after April 12.

Only got a kinda half-dinner yesterday, we were doing some short videos to promote Keto Chow and part of it involved drinking some Keto Chow – except I didn’t drink a whole one because I only have my breakfast and lunch ones and the one we were using as a prop was half full. All-in it was a good experience though we were inordinately tired after it was all done. Normally the videos I shoot are just me improvising in front of the camera, these had a bit of a script and took a bunch of takes.

By |2019-02-14T11:27:35-07:00February 14th, 2019|Categories: 100 Days of Keto Chow, Weight Loss|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Beverly’s Week 6

This entry is part 7 of 16 in the series 100 Days of Keto Chow - Beverly's Experience

This has been a fun week for me!  Spending three days with one of my sisters and her family was a much-needed and enjoyable break from regular life.  I missed my great husband and my little dogs but three days goes by in a blink.  When scheduling my trip and then during the time leading up to the trip, I was a little nervous (for lack of a better word) about the liquid diet aspect of life and how that would translate when traveling.  I even considered choosing a trip date post-April-12 when I was booking my flight.  But I honestly did not want to wait that long to see her!  A few days before the trip, I finally reminded myself to focus on enjoying the trip rather than overthinking the diet.

What could I have possibly been worried about?  Everything went GREAT!  In an airport, I paid $2.47 for a cup of hot water so I could mix up some bouillon.  I will try to do that differently next time.  ;)  When I was feeling a little shaky during a flight, I tipped a little salt packet onto my tongue and chased it with some bottled water.  My fantastic sister made my diet a breeze for me by stocking up before I arrived on everything I would need including heavy whipping cream, diet soda, and flavored sparkling water.  She already had large Blender Bottles.  I remained hydrated during each day’s activities and easily stayed on my usual schedule.  When she started making dinner for her family each day, I started mixing up my first shake of the day then had my other two shakes within the next few hours.

The most difficult part of the trip for me was Sunday morning during the layover between flights.  Even though I had a coffee earlier, a water on the first flight, and was sipping on a diet soda, I just wanted to eat.  It wasn’t the food I was seeking though – rather, it was the comfort and relaxation I was wanting.  I was exhausted – I had gotten up at 3:00 a.m and I was longing to be home.  All I could think about was the fact that almonds and possibly Quest bars were right there at every snack stand and shopping spot located such short distances away.  I gathered my resolve and buckled down to staring at my phone intently.  I scrolled through all the comments on my familiar Reddit keto sub groups and the Keto Chow Facebook Support Group.  Being engaged in these active support systems really helps me every day so it fits that this is where I turned when I was struggling.  By the time I arrived home, I was ready to drink the two Keto Chow shakes I had left in the refrigerator before my trip (thank goodness my husband didn’t drink them!).  After a nap and a few chores, I mixed up a bunch of shakes so that my husband and I are both stocked up again – 12 shakes for him (4 each of Strawberry, Chocolate, and Salted Caramel/Chocolate) and 18 shakes for me (6 each of Snickerdoodle, Cookies and Cream, and Salted Caramel).

My ketones were a little wonky on the days around the trip (charts are below as usual) – and I forgot twice to even check them.  The day after I returned home, the scales indicated a weight loss of 6 pounds which I’m sure was due to hydration levels especially since my weight went back up 3 pounds the next day.  After this week, I think I’ll skip adding the charts when I write each week (they are boring since the numbers are the same every day) but I won’t stop tracking the data.  I think I included the charts in the beginning for accountability.

Tip:  Those little salt packets are great to keep in your purse.  You can pick up a couple when you see them in fast-food restaurants.  Or you can keep a little flask of Keto Chow’s Fasting Drops with you.  I will have mine soon because I have an order (along with Savory Chicken Soup and Chocolate) arriving later this week.

Chris mentioned me by name in his Day 41 video!  It is cool to me that he remembers I once did “only Keto Chow” for longer than he ever has.  Woo hoo!  In his video, he gave me credit for over 160 days…  the stint he was referring to started at the beginning of November 2017 and lasted until sometime in March or April 2018.  Unfortunately, I do not remember the exact ending date or exactly how many days I did (Chris might know better than I do!).  That extended liquid diet was interrupted in the middle by a cruise in January 2018, though, so I never felt I could claim the entire length of the liquid diet anyway.  While on the cruise, my husband and I ate one or two reasonably small keto meals and drank one or two shakes each day (we both lost weight!).  During those five months of liquid diet, I was journaling my experience on Reddit under a username that I have since deleted – so I lost a lot of information and stories that I wish I still had.  :(  Little life regret.

By the way, does anyone else shake their Blender Bottles as aggressively as Chris shakes his?  Has anyone else even noticed what I’m talking about?  I watch him in wonder because when I mix a shake in a Blender Bottle, it goes quickly:  water, cream, powder, lid, sideways shake, upwards shake-shake-shake, more water, shake-shake, done.  He shakes and shakes and SHAKES each bottle!  I am physically unable to put the amount of effort into mixing a shake like he does.  So thank goodness the product doesn’t require it.  :)

Back at work on Tuesday, I forgot to eat lunch.  Of course, I am technically speaking of my first shake of the day which I have been drinking at 4:00 p.m.  At 4:50 p.m., I suddenly realized I had not eaten yet.  I didn’t even feel like I needed to eat!  This was unusual because most days I am counting down the time for 4:00 p.m. to arrive.  Since I was heading to yoga soon and didn’t want to wait until 7:00 p.m. for my first shake,  I went ahead and drank it about 5:15 p.m.  Hunger has been almost non-existent this week.  This is a huge relief after having many days of thinking about food all day long.

Speaking of Chris and his videos…  I really enjoy listening to him (along with Miriam and others when they chime in) talk about the day’s happenings.  It makes me smile to know that I am not alone on this liquid diet journey!  Like him, I am starting to make plans for what those first meals after April 12 will be…

100 Days of Keto (Chow) Day 43

This entry is part 49 of 107 in the series 100 Days of Keto Chow

We did our weekly Facebook live broadcast last night, tried it in a different location and I think it’s a keeper. Much more relaxing. I looked at my “Heads Up Health” graph for blood ketones just now, looks like I’m averaging about 2.5mmol/L:

Blood Ketone Graph

I’m actually likely averaging higher than 2.5; the low spots are from when Miriam and I were sharing a Keto-Mojo, now she has her very own and doesn’t need to ask if she can please use mine, she’s very happy =) Speaking of ketone levels, she fasted all day yesterday and when she tested her ketones last night they were at 1.2 mmol/L – she tested again this morning and was at 0.3. Still hasn’t eaten anything, just the “Dawn Phenomenon” working its magic. I learned myself a few years ago that the morning is the worst time to test blood ketones. It’s better to test in the late afternoon.

I just realized that I forgot to go weigh-in for the city challenge this morning. I’m going to need to go do that in an hour or two when the traffic dies down. We are getting all geared up to shoot some new “how to mix Keto Chow” videos later today with the new logo and the mock-up new packaging that we had made, hopefully these will last for some time.

By |2019-02-13T09:16:33-07:00February 13th, 2019|Categories: Weight Loss, 100 Days of Keto Chow|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments