User Experiences

100 Days of Keto (Chow) Day 59

This entry is part 65 of 107 in the series 100 Days of Keto Chow

The 100 days is still going fine. Last night we had some neighbors over for ice cream, that meant stopping by a local grocery store called “Harmons” – they have the distinction of being one of the very few grocery stores that carry Rebel Creamery keto ice cream, it was even on sale for $5 a pint. I had Chocolate Mint Keto Chow whilst everyone else was eating ice cream.

I’m going to be heading to LabCorp this morning for blood test #3. After that, I get to swing by the sign place and pick up the new graphic for the front door. Along with the new logo we needed the hours changed on the front door since we are now open until 5 pm on weekdays.

100 Days of Keto (Chow) Day 58

This entry is part 64 of 107 in the series 100 Days of Keto Chow

Well, I’m nearly 3/5 of the way done with my 100 days of eating only Keto Chow for all my meals. Yesterday I received my second blood test, it records what’s going on after a week of using ONLY heavy cream for all my fat calories. You can view the results on this spreadsheet. In my expert analysis, I conclude that I am still alive! What a relief =)

We had an outage with our shopping cart yesterday. That sucked. Depending on your internet service provider it was either up or down for nearly 6 hours. I believe I have the infrastructure changed enough that it won’t be a problem in the future… maybe. I did get more shirt designs up on Amazon Merch – including some that have the Keto Chow logo on the front and the keto food pyramid on the back. They are $5 more expensive because of the additional printing, I still have them priced as low as possible without us losing money on each sale.

By |2019-02-28T09:29:30-07:00February 28th, 2019|Categories: 100 Days of Keto Chow, Weight Loss|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Beverly’s Week 8 (Week 2 of Science)

This entry is part 9 of 16 in the series 100 Days of Keto Chow - Beverly's Experience

The recent flood of Keto Chow recipes being posted by Taffiny, Amanda, and Chris are killing me!  They all look so delicious and mostly doable – even for someone like me who can’t cook.  When I am on the blog site, I just have to slide my screen right on past those recipe posts and plan to come back to read them more closely after solid food is back on my menu.  If you have not checked out the recipes, I recommend starting here to see what I am talking about.

Another week of the science phase has not provided me anything interesting to report on the blog this week.  I continue to plod along.  Week 8 is closing soon and there are six weeks remaining.  It feels really good to be counting down the days and weeks as they pass by now that we are past the halfway point.  My scale weight did not change this week (but my weekly average weight went down again which is sweet!).

This week, my wonderful husband worked so many hours at his office that we did not have any chance to eat out.  I am certain that he missed the face-to-face across-the-table time as much as I did but we will likely make up for it in coming weeks.  I did meet up with one of my sisters at a nearby restaurant on Saturday where I arrived a few minutes before she did.  I found myself fixated on the enticing salad descriptions.  All of a sudden, my mind snapped awake and said, “Stop looking at the menu, you fool!”  :)  Then I had to just laugh at myself and find something else to look at.  (If you are starting to get the impression that I have lots of sisters, you are right!)

Being in restaurants while on a liquid diet has not been very difficult for me.  I do not feel the need to explain anything to anyone.  I order my beverage when it is time then simply say “nothing for me, thanks” when the waiter/waitress is taking meal orders.  I am truly NOT tempted to deviate from my current eating plan.  Sitting in a restaurant with someone else while they eat is somewhat uncomfortable though.  Even at home, that feeling is sometimes there – like when my extremely supportive husband is innocently snacking on nuts or meat/cheese.  The idea of chewing something tasty sure sounds good.  The desire to eat is there but the commitment to my eating plan is stronger.

Friday will be the start of using avocado oil as my fat source.  I will be scouring the Keto Chow sub on Reddit and the Facebook support group for tips on making Keto Chow shakes with avocado oil before I begin.  I make my husband’s shakes with avocado oil but he does not seem to mind the floating residue the way I do.  Maybe I can find a trick for how to successfully mix oil and water (ha!).

In a meeting I attended a few days ago, the speaker used the word “endurance” which caught my attention, and I jotted it down in my notes.  The definition reads, “the fact or power of enduring an unpleasant or difficult process or situation without giving way” and “the ability to sustain a prolonged stressful effort or activity”.  I like this word!  Perhaps the word endurance can be used to describe me and my efforts in this 100-day challenge…  I would really like to think so even though Keto Chow is not the least bit unpleasant.  :)

100 Days of Keto (Chow) Day 57

This entry is part 63 of 107 in the series 100 Days of Keto Chow

Well, I did my final weigh-in for the city weight loss challenge this morning. I don’t think I won the city competition but I won my own personal competition: 28.4 lbs lost (among other things). One way I know that I didn’t win is we had a guy come in yesterday that picked up some of the Keto Chow samples we donated to the city competition last week and wanted to know more as he’s doing keto. If I remember correctly, he said that he’s down like 40 lbs. Winning this competition was so much easier before everyone learned about keto =)

We did our weekly Facebook Live last night. We had a special guest: Amanda of @amandaeatsketo fame as well as many of the recipes that use Keto Chow. I have the 4K version of that video encoding right now, I’ll get it onto YouTube as soon as I can. Anyway, TTFN!

By |2019-02-27T09:24:42-07:00February 27th, 2019|Categories: 100 Days of Keto Chow, Weight Loss|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

100 Days of Keto (Chow) Day 56

This entry is part 62 of 107 in the series 100 Days of Keto Chow

Yep, it was water weight. Either that or I somehow lost 2.3lbs in one day =) With that corrected, I’m now down 28.1lbs in the last 56 days.

We have everything lined up to make another round of Keto Chow samples and I just ordered 2350lbs of 28% fat light roast peanut flour to make more bags of Chocolate Peanut butter. While that’s being made, we’re going to try a different machine to see if we can finally get some samples of the chocolate peanut butter made but don’t hold your breath.

By |2019-02-26T10:02:18-07:00February 26th, 2019|Categories: 100 Days of Keto Chow, Weight Loss|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

100 Days of Keto (Chow) Day 55

This entry is part 61 of 107 in the series 100 Days of Keto Chow

Funny how weight goes up and down, I had a LOT of salt yesterday in order to get my headache to go away (which it did) but that caused my weight to go up almost 3lbs, mostly water weight, since Friday. Meh, it’ll come back down again soon enough. It’s been a busy morning so far, I’ve spent most of it putting Root Beer Float on sale, answering questions, installing SSDs on laptops for new people we’ve hired, all sorts of fun.

We’re getting ready for Low Carb Denver that’s coming up next week! We have a new booth backdrop and other stuff coming (maybe) today with the new logo. We’re going to be driving there from Utah which will take 8 1/2 hours – I figure that’s about how long it takes to drive to the airport, wait through security, wait for the delayed airplane, fly for 45 minutes, get off the plane, and get a rental car – and this way we can load up an 8 foot truck bed with all the stuff we need.

I Looked at the results of measuring using a Zozo suit (you put on a black suit covered in dots, it takes pictures and creates a 3D model with measurements). Comparing my measurements from January 17 to February 24 it appears that I am:

  • down 2.75 inches in my lower waist
  • down 2.25 inches in my upper waist
  • chest is down 1.5 inches
  • hips are down 1.25
  • left thigh is down 1 inch while my right thigs is only down 0.75 inches
  • my neck is also down a half inch.
By |2019-02-25T10:51:14-07:00February 25th, 2019|Categories: 100 Days of Keto Chow, Weight Loss|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

100 Days of Keto (Chow) Day 54

This entry is part 60 of 107 in the series 100 Days of Keto Chow

Had a dehydration headache this morning, finally got that taken care of. I think that’s the second one I’ve had since I started.

Made some amazing deviled eggs with bacon this morning, 3 dozen eggs so 6 dozen halves. Add that to the list of awesome food I made that I won’t be eating ? Looked at the results of measuring using a Zozo suit (you put on a black suit covered in dots, it takes pictures and creates a 3D model with measurements). Comparing my measurements from January 17 to February 24 it appears that I am:

  • down 2.75 inches in my lower waist
  • down 2.25 inches in my upper waist
  • chest is down 1.5 inches
  • hips are down 1.25
  • left thigh is down 1 inch while my right thigs is only down 0.75 inches
  • my neck is also down a half inch.
By |2019-02-24T16:02:00-07:00February 24th, 2019|Categories: 100 Days of Keto Chow, Weight Loss|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

100 Days of Keto (Chow) Day 53

This entry is part 59 of 107 in the series 100 Days of Keto Chow

Getting ready to go for the day, had a great dinner with the “Sodfather” Dr. Ballerstedt last night, I drank water =) My 100 days is still going great. I’m currently down 27.8lbs and drinking Eggnog Keto Chow for breakfast. Going to cook some taco meat (again) for an extended family dinner tomorrow.

I’m going to get more stuff to make more of the simple scrambles – the kids have been enjoying those this week.

By |2019-02-23T10:56:24-07:00February 23rd, 2019|Categories: 100 Days of Keto Chow, Weight Loss|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

100 Days of Keto (Chow) Day 52

This entry is part 58 of 107 in the series 100 Days of Keto Chow

I received my “Baseline” blood test results back yesterday. If you’re interested you can see ALL of the results I’ve gotten from ALL of my experiments on

So let’s see what they say… Last year, about this same time, I had just done a week of liquid coconut oil in my shakes, and then finished up the experiment by replacing all of my fat with candy. I’m not going to be doing that again! =) Anyhow, My LDL Particle count is a little higher than I’d like it to be at 1062, but if I wanted to hack that down I got it to 567 with the coconut oil. My HDL is also lower than I’d like at 45 and my triglycerides are far higher than I’d like at 160. On the other hand, my fasting insulin is down to 7.2 and my HbA1c is steady at 4.9. Overall the only stuff I’m at all concerned about are the HDL (which is about average for my previous tests) and my trigs (which I like to be below 100, still better than the 200 I got doing the candy).

These test results are after 44 days of doing only Keto Chow, mostly with heavy cream, but also routinely using MCT oil – which tends to confound lipid panels quite a bit. Hence why I’m doing ONLY heavy cream for this week and next week. I’m getting another blood test today, should get those results sometime next week.

In un-related news, Miriam and I are meeting a friend for dinner tonight. It’s at a steak-house which would be perfect any other time that I’m not doing a crazy nutrition experiment, I think I’ll just tell everyone I’m fasting and leave it at that =)

By |2019-02-22T08:28:42-07:00February 22nd, 2019|Categories: Weight Loss, 100 Days of Keto Chow|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

100 Days of Keto (Chow) Day 51

This entry is part 57 of 107 in the series 100 Days of Keto Chow

I’m on Day 51 of 100 where I’m eating ONLY Keto Chow for all 3 meals every day. Why am I doing this? A couple of reasons =)

  1. I wanted to lose weight and possibly win my city’s weight loss challenge (I’m in 8th place as of last week)
  2. I wanted to prove a point. I represent that Keto Chow is nutritionally complete. I think that if you’re going to claim something like that, you should have some sort of proof. Who better to have fun with such an experiment than me? To the best of my knowledge, the only similar thing that has ever been attempted in the keto world is when the founders of Nui ate their Keto Kookies for 7 days. Not complete nutrition but it was a start! =)
  3. I wanted to do some intense science by changing the type of fat that I’m using in my 3 shakes every day.
    1. Starting February 15, I switched to ONLY using Heavy Cream. I’m currently doing 100ml per shake of 40% fat Darigold.
    2. March 1, I’ll switch to ONLY avocado oil for the fat in my shakes, that’ll run for 2 weeks.
    3. March 15, I’ll start using Avocado Oil with a tablespoon of MCT Oil in my shakes, that’ll run for 2 weeks.
    4. March 29, I’m planning on switching to Butter. This will require me to be doing the savory flavors of Keto Chow that are meant to be mixed and consumed hot. This will also run for 2 weeks and will be the final portion of the experiment.
    5. Every Friday I’m getting a blood test, on Wednesday r Thursday of the following week I should be getting the results of the tests. I’m checking my lipids and several other biomarkers. I’m also checking my blood ketones every day.

Anyhow. Today I had a “shower thought” – because I’m currently using heavy cream for my fat source, I’m essentially getting ALL of my calories from dairy right now. The protein is from milk protein isolate, the fat is from heavy cream, the little carbs I’m getting are also from the milk protein. It’s like I’m drinking milk that has had the sugar removed and vitamins and minerals added. I am subsisting on the byproducts of rangeland carbon sequestration and grass fermentation by ruminants. Cool!

By |2019-02-21T09:34:55-07:00February 21st, 2019|Categories: Weight Loss, 100 Days of Keto Chow|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments