TL;DR version

Add 79ml (or 1/3 cup) of heavy cream to a shaker/blender bottle for 433 calories (1300 a day); or use 148ml for 667 calories (2000 a day). Add 50g of the Keto Chow powder, then fill the bottle to 16 ounces with water. Shake it up until all the powder is wet. Stick in your fridge, it needs a few hours (overnight is best). If you think the texture is goopy, add more water or use a blender.

Equipment that will make everything a lot easier

Depending on how many blender bottles you get, it could set you back $14 or $50 to get it all.

  1. Blender Bottles (around $7 each). I normally use the larger 28 ounce variety but the smaller ones work fine too – you just get a thicker mixture. I have lots of these, enough that if I forget to wash some it’s not the end of the world, for daily consumption you need a minimum of 3 (one for each meal). You can mix up several days at the same time, the most I’ve done is 4 days or 12 meals.
  2. A scale (around $9). I recommend one that can do 0.1g. Personally, I use the American Weigh Scales 1000/0.1g scale.  If you don’t have a scale just yet you can fudge it with a 1/2 cup measuring container but since each flavor has a different density you’ll be getting anywhere from 45 to 60g instead of the 50g you’re supposed to weigh out.
  3. OPTIONAL (only if you want to use MCT Oil) A way to measure the oil ($5 or less). I grabbed a clear plastic “Lotion Pump” from Wal-mart for $5. If you’re feeling fancy you could grab a glass and stainless steel one. The reason for using a pump is NO CLEANUP. Optionally you can just use measuring spoons. You’re also going to need to measure the heavy cream. I use a small shot glass with ml measurements on the side.
  4. An Immersion blender or a regular blender (optional – if the texture comes out weird to you, running it through a blender will immensely improve it). I grabbed one from Wal-Mart, the same one is on Amazon for less.

The “Consumables” – stuff that will get used up as time goes on

  1. Heavy (whipping) Cream. I find it’s hard to find “Heavy Cream” and can usually only find “Heavy Whipping Cream”. Both are quite similar but the “whipping” has some additional emulsifiers that won’t matter. If you have to choose between the two, get the one you want. Be sure to check the label to make sure it has 0g of carbohydrates.
  2. MCT Oil – this is optional. MCT oil is awesome for jump-starting ketosis, BUT some people have problems initially adapting to MCT oil so to start out you might want to skip the MCT and only use heavy cream. Anyhow MCT oil: A 32-ounce bottle of MCT will give you 23 days worth. You can find many options on Amazon like this or this.
  3. If you’re doing Keto Chow for all your meals you’ll need Fish Oil. This is to get you 1400 mg of Omega 3 per day. You can go 2 ways for the fish oil:

Detailed Preparation Instructions

How many calories do you want per day? (assuming 1/3 per meal of Keto Chow). These instructions are for each meal individually (in the video it also shows how to mix multiple meals at the same time).


Some things to consider

  1. If you embark into ketosis you MIGHT feel like you have a flu for 3-4 days. I have yet to get a report from someone getting it using Keto Chow but it’s possible. According to the /r/keto faq you can help mitigate this with more electrolytes (sodium and potassium) which Keto Chow has ample of. One of the more common remedies is to drink some salty broth (make sure it doesn’t have carbs!). You’re also going to have impaired athletic endurance for about 4 weeks as your body adjusts.
  2. If you haven’t read Basics of Nutritional Ketosis – What is Keto, how to do it, how to succeed, you should check it out. When you are first starting Keto Chow you might want to skip the MCT oil at first and add it slowly as you adapt, particularly if you have GI issues.
  3. If you want to check your ketone levels (which is NOT necessary but can be motivating), you can get a blood tester… or do what I did and grab some cheap pee sticks that work just fine (again, not necessary).
  4. Check out /r/keto – this place is awesome with success stories, encouragement and at the top bar is “Keto in a Nutshell” and the FAQ.
  5. I recommend listening to this episode, in particular, of the “2 Keto Dudes” Podcast. It discusses how to start Ketosis and some awesome information about how to be successful, for that matter you might as well subscribe to new episodes.